despondent young man seated on couch in dimly lit room wondering how alcohol can impact depression

How Alcohol Can Impact Depression

Alcohol and depression are closely linked, and each can compound the symptoms of the other. Treatment that addresses multiple mental health concerns, such as depression and alcohol use disorder, is called dual diagnosis treatment. Santé Center for Healing offers dual diagnosis treatment in Texas. Call 866.238.3154 for more information, to verify insurance, or to get…

A woman suddenly realizing one of the signs of OCD

Common Signs of OCD

Have you ever experienced a nagging feeling that you can’t shake off? Do you have a habit or routine that you feel you must follow every day, even when it’s impractical or irrational? While these behaviors may seem harmless or quirky to some people, they could be signs of a mental health condition called obsessive-compulsive…

Two woman discuss relapse triggers

Identifying Relapse Triggers

Addiction recovery is a long and difficult journey that requires patience, determination, and support. However, the first few months after getting sober can be especially challenging, as individuals often face a range of obstacles that can lead to relapse. Let’s explore the concept of relapse triggers, identify common triggers that recovering addicts face, and consider…

a woman with disheveled hair leans on a table with coffee cup near her while trying to get an understanding of bipolar disorder

Understanding Bipolar Disorder: the Highs and Lows

Understanding bipolar disorder involves recognizing it as a complex mental health condition characterized by significant mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. These episodes can impact a person’s behavior, energy levels, and ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. It’s crucial to note that this disorder is not a rare diagnosis, and with professional…

woman stands up in the middle of her group therapy session discussing how treatment for adhd in adults has helped her

Finding Treatment for ADHD in Adults

Even if you’ve been struggling with symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), getting confirmation that you have a mental health condition can be a shock. You may wonder where to find effective ADHD treatment. Santé Center for Healing offers ADHD treatment in Texas. Call Santé Center for Healing at 866.238.3154 to learn more about getting treatment…

a therapist speaks to a group of people in their group therapy session about the best practices for trauma treatment

What Are the Best Practices for Trauma Treatment

Trauma can affect anyone regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic status. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that trauma is common among people with substance use and mental health conditions. To learn more about trauma treatment in Argyle, TX, call Santé Center for Healing at 866.238.3154. What Is Trauma and What…

a person wearing a hat stands outside during a sunset and thinks about what is a dual diagnosis

What Is a Dual Diagnosis and Who Is It for?

What is a dual diagnosis? Dual diagnosis is a complex mental health concern that can make it more difficult to recover from a substance or alcohol use disorder. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that nearly 38% of U.S. adults with addiction also live with additional mental health conditions. To find treatment for dual…