The 12-step program is a popular addiction treatment method used throughout the world. Individuals have benefited from this program for decades, and it can be a great resource intervening against addiction. At Santé, 12-step meetings and addiction treatment programs set the stage for lifelong recovery and offer countless benefits to clients and their loved ones.
Understanding the 12-Step Program
In 1939, the idea for a 12-step program was introduced by Bill Wilson. He originally wrote a guide for Alcoholics Anonymous, although it’s possible to apply the principles to any type of substance abuse or addiction. Clients work their way individually through the 12 steps in chronological order.
There are many goals of 12-step meetings and programs. To start, it’s important for participants to believe in a higher power. While they don’t have to be religious, there’s definitely a spiritual component. Clients learn that they can’t and don’t control everything.
Another objective is to get support from others and step away from isolation. Addiction is a lifelong condition that those dealing with it have to constantly manage. Support helps clients understand the severity of the situation and guides them away from the myth of moderation, towards sobriety and eventually, sustained recovery.
Personal responsibility is another pillar of the programs. Participants have to accept their role in addiction. They also spend time making amends for their past actions when under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Embracing Multi-Level Care
The success of the 12-step program may have a lot to do with multi-level care – meetings, individual work, and sponsor support. When many people imagine 12-step meetings, they picture a group gathered in a church basement or a school building. For some, 12-step meetings are enough to achieve sobriety.
But for many, the starting point for recovery is medical detox and a residential level of care. Only after medical intervention and a therapeutic clinical setting can some begin to embrace the 12 steps along the way.
In residential treatment, clients can benefit from one-on-one individual therapy. However, they can also begin their 12-step journey within group counseling. New clients learn the framework and protocol for these meetings, which helps prepare them for a lifetime of future meetings.
After residential programs, clients might choose an outpatient program or sober living. During either one, clients can continue to utilize 12-step meetings. This thread of continuity makes it easier to stay on track towards a lifetime of recovery.
When clients eventually start their independent lives again, they can still rely on 12-step meetings. These meetings may become a critical part of any relapse prevention plan.
Regular Accountability and Support
One of the biggest benefits of the 12-step program is the support. Addiction can be lonely and isolating, even when clients have family and friends around. Group meetings make it clear that no one is alone. It’s easy to see others who are going through the same challenges and learn how others have successfully navigated situations that might put sobriety and recovery at risk.
Twelve-step meetings also offer accountability. If a regular misses a meeting, other participants often go out of their way to ensure that the member is safe and sober. This is an invaluable support system.
Accessibility and Availability of Meetings
Twelve-step meetings are everywhere. Individuals can find them in every city and almost every small town, and they take place at all times of day and night. Due to the pandemic, many are now available online. This makes them easy to attend and hard to skip.
Incorporating 12-Step Meetings at Santé
At Santé, the 12-step program integration is just one part of the addiction treatment plan. A range of other treatment methods and therapies supplement the 12-step philosophy. These include the following:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Cognitive Processing Therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Experiential therapy
- Family therapy
- Group therapy
- Individual counseling
- Neurofeedback therapy
- Psychodrama
The 12-step program is one way to reach your goal of sobriety. At Santé Center for Healing in Argyle, Texas, the 12 steps are a big part of client recovery. Call 866.238.3154 to begin living the life you have always deserved.