In a society of changing values and greater awareness of boundary violations, patients, hospital corporations, and Medical Boards are moving towards a standardization of what constitutes professional, ethical behavior. The Maintaining Proper Boundaries course sets out to institute individual safeguards for healthcare professionals to make them less vulnerable to boundary violations.
This is a 3-day training course providing self-assessment, knowledge, awareness, applicable tools and prevention strategies to healthcare professionals with difficulty maintaining proper boundaries with patients, colleagues and/or staff.
The course faculty is a mixture of tenured mental health clinicians and medical experts who create a course environment conducive to open discussions and identifying next best steps for protecting healthcare professionals and their patients. This education could save a license or a life.
At the completion for this course, participants will be able to successfully:
- Identify the types of unethical behaviors and boundary violations that result in litigation, difficulty with the medical boards and/or hospital corporations, or action by other licensure boards.
- Discern behaviors and situations where the healthcare professional is most vulnerable to inappropriate involvement with patients, colleagues and/or staff members.
- Recognize and develop strategies to avoid high-risk situations and ethical dilemmas.
- Recognize high-risk patients and identify how to avoid problematic situations with them.
- Identify methods to safeguard the hospital, the office and other treatment settings.
- Discuss the ethical and legal obligations for reporting and/or intervening on boundary violations of a colleague.
- View and utilize Physician’s Health Program as an advocate.
For additional information and registration details about the Maintaining Proper Boundaries course, contact Santé’s Course Administrator, Nicole Miller, at 214-444-7343.