Heroin addiction can lead to many physical, emotional, and behavioral changes. These coworkers and loved ones are often the first to notice these changes. However, once people start to see these differences, it can be hard to convince the individual abusing heroin that he or she needs treatment. Sadly, treatment is the only way to survive long-term heroin abuse and have a real chance for lasting recovery. Luckily, our Texas heroin addiction treatment program at Santé Center is here to help you.
Signs of Heroin Addiction
If you love someone who is abusing heroin, there are signs you can look for to confirm that they suffer from addiction.
Signs of heroin addiction include extreme changes in how they look and act, such as:
- Weight loss
- Constantly running nose
- Injection marks from needles on arms or other body parts
- Skin infections or abscesses at the injection site
- Cuts, scabs or bruises
- Abandonment of relationships and interests
- Shift in priorities
- Financial decline
- Theft or other legal troubles
Heroin Withdrawal
Withdrawal is a clear sign of addiction to any drug, just as it is for heroin. Addiction exists if your loved one or friend goes through difficult symptoms of withdrawal when not using heroin. They need addiction treatment, starting with safe medical detox through our heroin detox program.
Withdrawal from heroin starts with symptoms that appear within a few hours or up to one day after your loved one’s last dose. You’ll often see symptoms that are similar to the flu, including body aches, exhaustion, and gastrointestinal upset.
Why Heroin Addiction Treatment Is Critical
By going through our Texas heroin addiction treatment program that begins with medical detox, clients can be comfortable and safe during their withdrawal. This medical care can prevent serious complications, including death if other health problems exist. Additionally, detox is a great relapse prevention tool. Many people relapse when they first try to get sober because withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable.
In a quality heroin addiction treatment program, medical detox then continues into other levels of addiction treatment services to meet the individual client’s needs. Through those levels of care, the person you love can return to his or her real self, as heroin abuse becomes part of his or her past.
Ending Heroin Addiction for the Long Term with Integrity
Heroin addiction always starts for a reason, even in the person you love. This drug use was no accident. Treatment must focus on those reasons for real recovery to take place. This addiction treatment for heroin takes place through multiple levels of care.
Levels of care in addiction treatment form the integrity of the treatment program. These levels start where each individual client needs to start. For many, that is in medical detox.
At Santé Center for Healing in Argyle, Texas detox takes place for four to ten days. When detox is complete, the client moves to the next levels of care within our Texas heroin addiction treatment program.
After detox, the next step for many clients is residential or intensive outpatient treatment. An evaluation at the very beginning of treatment determines which steps your loved one needs to take. This evaluation ensures treatment of each client as an individual, rather than shuffling them through a “one size fits all” type program. Your loved one’s care may be for several months, over six months, or for a year.
If your loved one is ready for heroin addiction treatment with integrity for their long-term recovery, call Santé Center for Healing at 866-238-3154 for more information about available programs.