Relapse Prevention Plan
To create a viable relapse prevention plan, the individual must be committed to recovery and be willing to do whatever it takes to maintain that recovery. Every day at Santé is devoted to learning about one’s self, one’s addiction cycle and the steps to take to avoid or escape emotional and environmental triggers. The more a recovering person knows about his or her addiction, the more the person can enhance their skill level and discover addiction interventions that really work.
A relapse prevention plan includes many components. The therapists and seasoned group members are looking for a well thought out addiction treatment program plan that includes awareness of the impact of the addiction on self and others, avoidance and escape strategies, steps for stopping intrusive addictive thoughts, and how the person will manage emotional distress.
Even though it seems like a relapse happens with the resumption of drinking, taking a drug, or engaging in a compulsive behavior, relapse actually begins long before in the more subtle change of attitudes and intentions. The relapse prevention plan helps the client and those around them recognize the symptoms before they lead to a relapse.