What to Expect from Addiction Detox Services in Argyle, Texas
While the exact process can vary from one alcohol and drug detox center to another, our treatment center in Argyle, Texas, starts with an initial evaluation. An addiction specialist customizes the program so clients get the needed care.
During the evaluation stage, a medical team works to screen each client. They look for mental and physical ailments. Often, doctors will take a blood test to determine the kind of drug the client typically uses. Then, they use this information to figure out the best treatment plan.
The medical team examines the client’s medical, drug, and mental health histories. Afterward, they determine a long-term plan for treating the client. Once this is complete, it is time to stabilize the client’s condition.
During stabilization, doctors prescribe medications or treatments to prevent serious complications. The goal is to make sure the client does not suffer from harm during detox. Depending on the client, the treatment center, and the addiction, doctors may also prescribe medications to ease withdrawal symptoms.
The final step at our alcohol detox center in TX is helping clients get ready for rehab. Many clients go to a residential or intensive outpatient program after their stay at an addiction detox center. Sometimes, the client will even begin different therapy and counseling options before they leave the drug and alcohol detox center.