photo of men and women in a group counseling meeting with their hands raised looking to find alcohol addiciton treatment in Dallas, TX

Find Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Dallas, TX

For many Americans, including many Texans, alcohol is often included and expected in many aspects of everyday life. Weddings, Memorial Day cookouts, Super Bowl parties, after-work happy hours with co-workers, and routine socializing often involve alcohol. Alcohol is legal and socially accepted, which is why it can be so easy to develop an alcohol use…

distressed young man seated in professional office enviroment awaiting a behavioral health therapist to discuss the signs of alcohol withdrawal.

Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol, for many people, is a natural part of American culture. It is a part of many social settings and everyday life—weddings, office happy hours, Super Bowl parties, neighborhood cookouts, or even unwinding at the end of a long day. Because it’s legal and widely accepted, it’s easy to see how alcohol can slip from…

The Anatomy of Co-Occurring Disorders

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO HAVE A CO-OCCURRING DISORDER? The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines co-occurring disorders as the “coexistence of both a mental illness and a substance use disorder.” In fact, people who suffer from a substance use disorder are at greater risk for developing co-occurring disorders. SAMHSA also reports…

woman in her kitchen preparing a health meal of fruits and vegetables as part of 5 tips to help stay sober

5 Tips To Help Stay Sober

Completing a treatment program for substance use disorder is a monumental achievement, but it’s only the beginning of a lifelong journey toward sobriety. Whether you are undergoing addiction treatment or have recently graduated from a program, staying sober presents its own set of challenges. For many Americans, including Texas residents, learning and practicing tips to…

behavioral health therapist talks to smiling woman about finding mental health services in Argyle, TX

Finding Mental Health Services in Argyle, TX

In America today, mental health and addiction are increasingly recognized as critical issues in both urban and rural communities. Finding mental health services in Argyle, Texas, can help residents address a pressing need for accessible and effective treatment options. Consider these statistics1: In February of 2023, 36.8% of adults in Texas reported symptoms of anxiety…

young man sitting alone on a bench at night struggling with meth withdrawal symptoms.

Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal can be a daunting process but a necessary one in healing from the disease of addiction. For individuals who abuse meth, the fear of meth withdrawal symptoms keeps many from seeking rehab. The severity of withdrawal symptoms is often a cause for relapse as individuals return to substance use to alleviate the discomfort of…

young man laying on his bed with his hand on his forehead and wearing a look of discomfort as he contemplates signs your body needs a detox

Signs Your Body Needs A Detox

Many Americans struggle with addiction every day, including Texans. The cycle of addiction affects not only the individual but also their loved ones and communities. To break this cycle requires understanding, compassion, and a structured approach to recovery. Recognizing the signs your body needs detox from alcohol or drugs is the first step. If you…

distraught looking woman leaning her head against window pane as she struggles with hidden cocaine abuse symptoms

Hidden Cocaine Abuse Symptoms

When individuals use drugs or alcohol even recreationally, they can develop a dependency or addiction. The more potent the substance and the more frequent the use, the greater the risk of addiction. One particular drug, cocaine, is frequently used in social settings. If you or someone you love uses cocaine, it’s essential to watch for…