Quick Guide: Identifying Alcohol Addiction & Receiving Treatment

WHAT IS ADDICTION? The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as a “treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences”.   WHAT DOES AN ADDICTION TO…

Sex Addiction or Problematic Sexual Behavior? What are we getting wrong?

WHAT IS PROBLEMATIC SEXUAL BEHAVIOR? WHAT IS SEX ADDICTION? Problematic sexual behavior (PSB) is an on-going, uncontrollable pattern of sexual thoughts and behaviors that prove problematic in a person’s life. This particular form of addiction or compulsive behavior is often misunderstood. Sensationalized or worst-case scenarios may make headlines – but are not the norm. Though…


Q & A with Santé’s Medical Director, Melissa Pennington, D.O.+   WHAT ARE THE STATISTICS FOR SUBSTANCE ABUSE? 22.5 million people (8.5% of the U.S. population) aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem in 2014, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services’ (SAMHSA) National Survey on…

young wife looking concerned while her husband looks on in the background and reviews the 3 signs your partner is obsessed with sex

3 Signs Your Partner Is Obsessed with Sex

How do you know whether your partner needs sex addiction treatment or not? It can be challenging to find the line between having a healthy sexual appetite and being obsessed with sex. Sex addiction involves a lack of control over sexual thoughts and urges. While sexual impulses are perfectly natural, the typical signs of sex…

a police officer pulls over someone and gives them a Breathalyzer to show the consequences for drinking and driving

Drinking And Driving Consequences

In our society, we are never far from a place that sells or serves alcohol. The availability of alcohol comes with consequences, especially those stemming from drinking and driving. The consequences of drinking and driving have a high price on individuals and society. It leads to lost productivity and potential and a higher cost to…

Mother talking to daughter on couch

Best Way To Talk To A Loved One About Binge Drinking

What’s the best way to talk to loved ones about binge drinking? There was only one “best way” to talk about binge drinking. Every person is different, and every family has different dynamics. It’s not easy, and as parents, none of us probably feel ready to have the conversation. Binge drinking has, unfortunately, become a…

3 Sober Techniques to Try this Holiday Season

4 Sober Techniques to Try this Holiday Season

Whether you’re new to the world of recovery or you’ve been sober for years, the holidays can prove especially challenging for staying away from the bottle. Family members, financial stress, traveling, relationship issues, and more seem to rear their heads as soon as the holiday planning begins. Whether you’re working on a sober Thanksgiving or…

individual undergoing Substance Abuse Evaluation

Substance Abuse Evaluation

If you have a court-ordered substance abuse evaluation, you probably want to know what to expect. In short, a substance abuse evaluation determines the extent of your drug and alcohol problem. A substance abuse professional conducts the interview and recommends a treatment and education plan. At Santé Center for Healing, we conduct evaluations and also offer addiction detox services and addiction…

How to Truly Define Addiction argyle texas

How to Truly Define Addiction

Most people define addiction as a series of unwise choices that lead to the loss of jobs, families, and homes. But is this really an accurate depiction of what it means to live with a substance abuse problem? In fact, within the setting of detoxification and rehabilitation, professionals have a very different understanding. For example,…