a woman is grateful for non-addiction treatment services from SantéSanté Center for Healing has earned an international reputation for effective, comprehensive treatment for substance use disorders. However, we treat a broad range of issues outside of just substance abuse. Santé offers a range of non-addiction treatment services for people dealing with trauma, codependency, relationship issues, life transition adjustments, and any other life intersection where previously successful coping mechanisms are insufficient for life’s current challenges.

Seeking help is a sign of bravery and shows that you are ready to put in the hard work of healing. Quality counseling services can help you establish new perspectives, sure footing, and a sense of control while providing additional skills or tools to address the future.

What Does Santé Treat Besides Addiction?

Santé Center for Healing’s Masters level clinicians have a wide spectrum of expertise in mental and behavioral health treatment. In addition to addiction, some of the issues we treat include:

Options for Non-Addiction Treatment Services

If you are struggling with your mental health and related issues, Santé’s non-addiction treatment services can help. In addition to a renowned residential program, treatment of these issues occurs within the following levels of care options:

These therapeutic and medical intervention options are also available through the innovation of telemedicine. After an initial in-person session in our office, you then have the option of continuing to meet in person or via teleconference. Our HIPAA-compliant video conferencing platform will keep your sessions private and secure. We aim to work around your schedule, offering both early morning and evening appointments. In fact, same-day appointments are common. Our telemedicine providers are the same ones that offer counseling in person and include physicians, psychiatric nurse practitioners, Masters level therapists, and a licensed dietitian.


To learn more information about any of our non-addiction treatment services, including outpatient counseling and telemedicine, give our friendly Intake and Admissions Counselors a call at 866.238.3154.