Quick Guide: Identifying Alcohol Addiction & Receiving Treatment

WHAT IS ADDICTION? The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as a “treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences”.   WHAT DOES AN ADDICTION TO…

TIPS: Talking About Addiction with a Loved One

Openly talking about addiction and actively listening for responses are some of the most significant ways you can help someone with an addiction. Opening these conversations around addiction isn’t especially easy; read on for tips to get this necessary conversation going. OVERALL: Know it is okay to have this conversation. Realistically multiple conversations will likely…

a family benefits from participating in a family therapy program for addiction

Family Therapy Activities to Consider

Drug addiction affects more than just the individual who is doing drugs. It impacts their family, loved ones, and the community. When someone becomes addicted to drugs, they often isolate themselves from others because of their drug activity. This puts a wedge between them and their family and impacts your relationships. Family therapy, with its…

family therapy benefits

5 Surprising Benefits to Family Therapy

Family support is crucial to successful addiction recovery. Unfortunately, addiction can negatively affect home life, relationships, and communication. Similarly, dysfunctional relationships at home can impact addiction. Family therapy is one way for people to reconnect, establish new dynamics, and heal together. If your family is struggling, the Santé Center for Healing can help. With inpatient…

What is Family Therapy

What Is Family Therapy and Why Should You Consider It?

You or someone you care about may get a recommendation from medical professionals to try a family therapy program. But you may be wondering, “What is family therapy?” Family therapy is a type of treatment that’s designed to help with issues that specifically affect family functioning and communication. Targeting these issues may improve the mental…