young man sitting alone on a bench at night struggling with meth withdrawal symptoms.

Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal can be a daunting process but a necessary one in healing from the disease of addiction. For individuals who abuse meth, the fear of meth withdrawal symptoms keeps many from seeking rehab. The severity of withdrawal symptoms is often a cause for relapse as individuals return to substance use to alleviate the discomfort of…

distraught looking woman leaning her head against window pane as she struggles with hidden cocaine abuse symptoms

Hidden Cocaine Abuse Symptoms

When individuals use drugs or alcohol even recreationally, they can develop a dependency or addiction. The more potent the substance and the more frequent the use, the greater the risk of addiction. One particular drug, cocaine, is frequently used in social settings. If you or someone you love uses cocaine, it’s essential to watch for…

Quick Guide: Identifying Alcohol Addiction & Receiving Treatment

WHAT IS ADDICTION? The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as a “treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences”.   WHAT DOES AN ADDICTION TO…

TIPS: Talking About Addiction with a Loved One

Openly talking about addiction and actively listening for responses are some of the most significant ways you can help someone with an addiction. Opening these conversations around addiction isn’t especially easy; read on for tips to get this necessary conversation going. OVERALL: Know it is okay to have this conversation. Realistically multiple conversations will likely…

smiling middle-aged man with graying hair and glasses pleased to have learned how to prevent alcohol abuse

How to Prevent Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol is an embedded part of American culture. Many everyday cultural events include alcohol—a wedding reception, a regular guys’ or girls’ night out, a standing after-work happy hour, or a Super Bowl party. Drinking socially is an accepted and expected part of life for many Americans, but it is not without risk. For many people,…

distraught young woman seated on couch with her legs drawn up to her chest and her arms warpped around her legs wondering why do alcoholics lie.

Why Do Alcoholics Lie?

Having an alcoholic in your life can be challenging and disruptive. The behavior of a person struggling with addiction can cause tremendous harm to relationships, especially if they are lying on a regular basis. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a chronic condition marked by an inability to control or stop alcohol consumption despite negative consequences…

Image of bald man dressed in business casual attire holding his jaw and wondering what is coke jaw and why does it happen

What Is Coke Jaw and Why Does It Happen?

Cocaine is a familiar illicit drug that has been popular for decades. Often playing a prominent role in movies and television, the drug has achieved widespread and mainstream recognition. However, cocaine addiction is a serious condition that has profound impacts on individuals and society as a whole. With its highly addictive nature, cocaine use can…

image of Texas state capitol building with Texas and U.S. flags waving in front as a symbol of the 2024 Top Worst Drug Cities in Texas

2024 Top Worst Drug Cities in Texas

In recent years, Texas has faced significant challenges with drug addiction, impacting communities across the state. Texas’ major cities are often comprised of smaller cities and towns that were incorporated into the overall metropolitan area as the population of the Lone Star State grew. Addiction, whether to drugs, alcohol, or both, affects not only individuals…