young woman looking thoughtful as she sits on her bed and contemplates hallucinations during alcohol detox and withdrawal.

Hallucinations During Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal

For those with an alcohol use disorder, the first step of treatment is detoxification. Professional addiction treatment prepares an individual for the withdrawal symptoms that often accompany detox. Alcohol detox and withdrawal represent the body’s natural process of eliminating alcohol toxins after prolonged use. During this period, the body undergoes significant physiological changes, leading to…

LGBTQIA+ and Increased Risk for Substance Use

How does LGBTQIA+ Community discrimination impact health? Health disparities among LGBTQIA+ people are linked to stigma and discrimination for example: Many LGBTQIA+ people have reported experiencing stigma and discrimination when accessing health services, leading some individuals to delay necessary health care or forego it altogether.1   Do LGBTQIA+ Community members face mental illness more than…

young man asking his behavioral health therapist what is a sex and love addiction?

What Is a Sex and Love Addiction?

Addiction is a growing problem in the United States, with the constant media airplay of “the opioid crisis” and past initiatives of “the war on drugs.” While substance use disorders are indeed a growing concern, the behavioral health industry has responded. There are now numerous federal and state programs to address addiction and co-occurring mental…


What are some examples of commonly used phrases that can have unintended damaging consequences? “This dessert is like crack to me.” “My girlfriend is psycho.” Have you ever considered certain language commonly used to reference behaviors can be harmful to those with addiction and behavioral disorders? What can you do? When you avoid using stigmatizing…

client asking behavioral healthcare specialist what is high-functioning depression and its symptoms and treatment?

What Is High-Functioning Depression? Symptoms and Treatment

Depression is one of the most common mental health challenges in the United States, affecting young and old alike. While almost everyone has experienced “down” moods and periods of low energy and motivation, clinically diagnosed depression is far more disruptive to daily activities. There are many forms of depression, and no two individuals manifest symptoms…

silhouette of a person seated alone on the beach at sunset as a metaphor for the link between PTSD and addiction.

The Link Between PTSD and Addiction

For many Americans and Texans, life can feel like a constant battle. It’s a scenario more common than many of us would like to admit, where the specter of past traumas haunts the present, leading to a desperate search for relief. This is the harsh reality for individuals grappling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and…

Sex Addiction or Problematic Sexual Behavior? What are we getting wrong?

What is problematic sexual behavior? What is sex addiction? Problematic sexual behavior (PSB) is an on-going, uncontrollable pattern of sexual thoughts and behaviors that prove problematic in a person’s life. This particular form of addiction or compulsive behavior is often misunderstood. Sensationalized or worst-case scenarios may make headlines – but are not the norm. Though…

young woman looking confused as she speaks to her behavioral health therapist about trauma and addiction and how to heal both hurts

Trauma and Addiction: How to Heal Both Hurts

Many Americans find themselves entangled in the web of trauma and addiction, two complex conditions that often walk hand in hand, casting shadows over lives and families. Traumatic experiences can take a lasting toll on an individual and cause them to self-medicate or self-soothe with addictive substances like drugs or alcohol. Addiction and trauma often…

Dry or Damp?

Q & A with Santé’s Medical Director, Melissa Pennington, D.O.   What is Dry/Damp January? Over the last decade, “Dry January” has become a popular way to begin the year for many. Dry January is when an individual commits to not drink any alcohol for the 31 days in the month.¹  More recently, “Damp January”…