photo of men and women in a group counseling meeting with their hands raised looking to find alcohol addiciton treatment in Dallas, TX

Find Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Dallas, TX

For many Americans, including many Texans, alcohol is often included and expected in many aspects of everyday life. Weddings, Memorial Day cookouts, Super Bowl parties, after-work happy hours with co-workers, and routine socializing often involve alcohol. Alcohol is legal and socially accepted, which is why it can be so easy to develop an alcohol use…

distressed young man seated in professional office enviroment awaiting a behavioral health therapist to discuss the signs of alcohol withdrawal.

Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol, for many people, is a natural part of American culture. It is a part of many social settings and everyday life—weddings, office happy hours, Super Bowl parties, neighborhood cookouts, or even unwinding at the end of a long day. Because it’s legal and widely accepted, it’s easy to see how alcohol can slip from…

Quick Guide: Identifying Alcohol Addiction & Receiving Treatment

WHAT IS ADDICTION? The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as a “treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences”.   WHAT DOES AN ADDICTION TO…

smiling middle-aged man with graying hair and glasses pleased to have learned how to prevent alcohol abuse

How to Prevent Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol is an embedded part of American culture. Many everyday cultural events include alcohol—a wedding reception, a regular guys’ or girls’ night out, a standing after-work happy hour, or a Super Bowl party. Drinking socially is an accepted and expected part of life for many Americans, but it is not without risk. For many people,…

distraught young woman seated on couch with her legs drawn up to her chest and her arms warpped around her legs wondering why do alcoholics lie.

Why Do Alcoholics Lie?

Having an alcoholic in your life can be challenging and disruptive. The behavior of a person struggling with addiction can cause tremendous harm to relationships, especially if they are lying on a regular basis. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a chronic condition marked by an inability to control or stop alcohol consumption despite negative consequences…

What is Gratitude and How Does it Impact Recovery?

WHAT IS GRATITUDE? Gratitude is the art of making what you have, enough. Gratitude is the feeling and outward conveyance of appreciation for something or someone. It includes the acknowledgment and appreciation for the good things or blessings in life. Gratitude can be focused toward circumstances, people, or oneself. It often lends itself to positive…

young woman looking thoughtful as she sits on her bed and contemplates hallucinations during alcohol detox and withdrawal.

Hallucinations During Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal

For those with an alcohol use disorder, the first step of treatment is detoxification. Professional addiction treatment prepares an individual for the withdrawal symptoms that often accompany detox. Alcohol detox and withdrawal represent the body’s natural process of eliminating alcohol toxins after prolonged use. During this period, the body undergoes significant physiological changes, leading to…

LGBTQIA+ and Increased Risk for Substance Use

HOW DOES LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY DISCRIMINATION IMPACT HEALTH? Health disparities among LGBTQIA+ people are linked to stigma and discrimination for example: Many LGBTQIA+ people have reported experiencing stigma and discrimination when accessing health services, leading some individuals to delay necessary health care or forego it altogether.1   Do LGBTQIA+ Community members face mental illness more than…

Dry or Damp?

Q & A with Santé’s Medical Director, Melissa Pennington, D.O.   WHAT IS DRY/DAMP JANUARY? Over the last decade, “Dry January” has become a popular way to begin the year for many. Dry January is when an individual commits to not drink any alcohol for the 31 days in the month.¹  More recently, “Damp January”…

Pregnant woman holds belly, wonders if she can detox while pregnant

Can You Detox While Pregnant?

Wondering if you can detox while pregnant? The answer is a resounding yes since your fetus is highly susceptible to the impacts of any of the substances you take. Whether prescription medication, natural supplements, or drugs and alcohol, your fetus is directly impacted. Therefore, when a mother struggles with addiction, it can be complicated to…