Opioids Overdose Deaths

Q & A with Santé’s Medical Director, Melissa Pennington, D.O.   Q.) What are opioids? Opioids, sometimes referred to as narcotics, are pain medications prescribed by medical doctors. Opioid medicines work by transporting through the blood and then connect to opioid receptors in brain cells. The opiate blocks pain messages and can enhance spirits and…

a picture of a turquoise brain to show the connection between drugs and brain

How Drugs Affect Your Brain Chemistry

Your brain is the computer of life. It governs bodily functions that we rarely contemplate like blinking your eyes, breathing, and movement. These and more are the result of a complex set of mechanisms facilitated by brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. You probably already know drugs impact the brain, but have you ever wondered how…

a person sits on the bottom of the stairs after learning drug overdose facts

What You Need To Know About Drug Overdose

You hear about the opioid epidemic often on the news, and justifiably so. The number of people struggling with heroin or other opioid addictions has skyrocketed over the past 20 years, with disastrous consequences. Sadly, that’s just a slice of a more significant problem. Learning about drug overdose has become one of the most pressing…

a person rubs their temples while sitting on the edge of a bed after a night of mixing substances

The Dangers of Combining Substances

Substance abuse triggers profound changes in your brain. It interferes with normal functions and, perhaps more alarmingly, clouds judgment—one of those risks common to individuals with substance abuse issues is combining substances. Abusing one drug is hazardous enough. The dangers of mixing substances are even more substantial. Medical professionals call this an example of “polydrug”…

a question mark on a box to show if Cocaine and alcohol are dangerous

Is Using Cocaine and Alcohol Together Dangerous?

Many people who abuse drugs have their substance of choice. However, this doesn’t mean they only use that substance. Instead, it means an individual just prefers one particular drug. While they have a favorite, they may have no problems mixing various substances. This type of drug abuse poses additional issues. A typical combination is cocaine…

a person leaning their head on their hand experiences the effects of codeine abuse

I Don’t Know the Effects of Codeine Abuse

Codeine is an opiate. It’s also an ingredient in various common medications, such as cough syrups. However, as an opiate, codeine can be habit-forming if abused. The chance of individuals abusing codeine has increased over the years due to the prescription opioid epidemic. Many individuals who have inadvertently become dependent upon opioids have used codeine…

a person raises a hand in a group therapy session to ask do I need treatment

Why Do I Need Drug Addiction Treatment?

You’re struggling with a substance use disorder. Maybe you’ve tried quitting before and relapsed shortly after leaving rehab, or perhaps you’ve tried on your own and are wondering, do I need treatment? You’re not alone. Millions struggle with substance use disorder in the United States. Substance use doesn’t just affect the individual user. Instead, the…