young man laying on his bed with his hand on his forehead and wearing a look of discomfort as he contemplates signs your body needs a detox

Signs Your Body Needs A Detox

Many Americans struggle with addiction every day, including Texans. The cycle of addiction affects not only the individual but also their loved ones and communities. To break this cycle requires understanding, compassion, and a structured approach to recovery. Recognizing the signs your body needs detox from alcohol or drugs is the first step. If you…

young woman looking thoughtful as she sits on her bed and contemplates hallucinations during alcohol detox and withdrawal.

Hallucinations During Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal

For those with an alcohol use disorder, the first step of treatment is detoxification. Professional addiction treatment prepares an individual for the withdrawal symptoms that often accompany detox. Alcohol detox and withdrawal represent the body’s natural process of eliminating alcohol toxins after prolonged use. During this period, the body undergoes significant physiological changes, leading to…

young man asking behavioral health professional, "How long is rehab and how long does rehab last?"

How Long Is Rehab? How Long Drug Rehab Lasts

The growing public health crisis of addiction in America has led to the critical need for professional behavioral health treatment. Those struggling with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions require skilled, experienced behavioral health specialists to help break the cycle of addiction. For many, the greatest obstacle is admitting they need help, but…

A man wondering, "How long does it take to detox from heroin?"

How Long Does It Take to Detox from Heroin?

For many, prescription drug abuse becomes a gateway for the cheaper substitute: heroin. Unfortunately, heroin is one of the most addictive illicit drugs people use. Its potency causes individuals who use it to not only experience an intense feeling of euphoria but to have their brain chemistry become immediately altered. When this occurs, individuals become…

Dry or Damp?

Q & A with Santé’s Medical Director, Melissa Pennington, D.O.   WHAT IS DRY/DAMP JANUARY? Over the last decade, “Dry January” has become a popular way to begin the year for many. Dry January is when an individual commits to not drink any alcohol for the 31 days in the month.¹  More recently, “Damp January”…

Pregnant woman holds belly, wonders if she can detox while pregnant

Can You Detox While Pregnant?

Wondering if you can detox while pregnant? The answer is a resounding yes since your fetus is highly susceptible to the impacts of any of the substances you take. Whether prescription medication, natural supplements, or drugs and alcohol, your fetus is directly impacted. Therefore, when a mother struggles with addiction, it can be complicated to…

woman sits up in bed with her hand to her face struggling with the process of detoxing from alcohol

Before and After Process of Alcohol Detoxing

When people have been misusing alcohol for a long time, they can develop a dependence or addiction. This generally means that alcohol has altered their brain chemistry, making it necessary for them to drink to function normally. That’s when an alcohol detox program becomes essential. It’s understandable how addiction can begin as a pursuit of…

man sits on the edge of his bed with hands to his face in distress dealing with the symptoms of detoxing

What Are Symptoms of Detoxing?

When it comes to treating addiction, detox is the first step. Once clients withdraw from their substance of choice, they may experience several detox symptoms. A high-quality rehab program can help break the cycle of addiction. Detox and rehab centers offer unique support for medical detox for drugs and alcohol. At Santé Center for Healing,…

a woman wearing a beanie stands in front of a shrubbery and closes her eyes to mediate after learning about what helps with drug detox

5 Things That Help with Drug Detox

The withdrawal symptoms in drug detox can be challenging at best and life-threatening at their most severe. Thankfully, the days of suffering at home alone without help are gone. Many interventions can alleviate the symptoms of detox and keep you safe. To learn more about drug detox in Texas, call Santé Center for Healing today…