For many, prescription drug abuse becomes a gateway for the cheaper substitute: heroin. Unfortunately, heroin is one of the most addictive illicit drugs people use. Its potency causes individuals who use it to not only experience an intense feeling of euphoria but to have their brain chemistry become immediately altered. When this occurs, individuals become physically dependent upon the drug. Dependency causes individuals to need more of the drug to function normally. At this point, using heroin isn’t about experiencing a high any longer but avoiding the intense and painful withdrawal symptoms that arise.
You may wonder: How long does it take to detox from heroin at a heroin detox center? What happens to heroin detox length if you go about it alone? What are a heroin detox program’s benefits? If that’s the case, call 866.238.3154 to speak with the knowledgeable and experienced team at Santé Center for Healing about our program for heroin detox in Texas.
What Is a Heroin Detox Program?
A heroin detox program helps individuals cleanse their bodies of the drug, with medical personnel monitoring the process and keeping it as safe as possible—no matter where they are from. The detoxification process is crucial for anyone looking to overcome heroin addiction and involves two main stages:
- Withdrawal or detox – This initial phase occurs when individuals stop using heroin and begin to eliminate the substance from their systems. During this period, which usually lasts about a week on average, individuals may experience a variety of physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. These can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and can include nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, anxiety, and insomnia. Medical supervision is critical during this stage to manage these symptoms safely and provide necessary support.
- Post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) – This second stage is more prolonged, potentially lasting for many months or even years. PAWS includes a range of distressing mental, emotional, and physical symptoms that arise due to changes in brain chemistry caused by long-term heroin abuse. Symptoms of PAWS can include persistent mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms can be quite challenging and require ongoing support and management.
The Role of Medication In Treatment
Typically, heroin detox involves the use of medications designed to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and enhance the individual’s comfort during the process. The types of drugs used can vary, depending on the individual’s overall health, medical history, physical condition, and any concurrent mental health issues. Medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone might be administered to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, supportive care, including hydration, nutritional support, and counseling, is often provided to address the holistic needs of the individual undergoing detoxification.
The comprehensive approach of a heroin detox program aims not only to cleanse the body of the drug but also to prepare the individual for the next steps in their recovery journey, ensuring they have the physical and emotional strength to pursue long-term sobriety.
What Is the Average Length of a Heroin Detox Program?
The primary factors determining your length of time in detox include your weight, age, gender, and overall health. From there, your substance abuse habit factors in next. The longer you’ve been abusing the drug, the longer your stay in detox will likely be. Typically, most clients finish detox in four to ten days.
How long does it take to detox from heroin if you try to do it on your own? The process usually fails after day three. Withdrawal symptoms begin about 12 hours after the last dose. Then they progressively worsen over the next two to three days. People who try to quit cold turkey at home usually give up quickly. The pain becomes too strong. Similarly, psychological withdrawal symptoms scare the individual back to drug abuse. In contrast, withdrawing from the drug at a medical detox center is entirely different.
What to Expect from Heroin Detox
At a medical detox facility, you undergo professional care that eases the discomfort. Typically, treatments include:
- An individualized treatment protocol design that factors in your overall condition and possible needs
- Medication-assisted therapy that allows for a pain-free experience with a considerable reduction in cravings
- Nutritional support that helps your body heal and strengthens it during this time
- Intravenous (IV) therapy to prevent dehydration
- One-on-one talk therapy that focuses on preparing you for clinical care in rehab
After four to ten days, most people succeed in ending physiological dependency. It means that you wake up in the morning without withdrawal symptoms. Your body no longer believes that it needs the drug to survive. You won’t be wondering how long it takes to detox from heroin anymore. Most importantly, you can continue with treatment to end the psychological addiction.
Don’t give in to a false sense of security and quit treatment. Instead, enroll in rehab immediately. Unless you learn how to handle triggers, stressors, and post-acute withdrawal, you’re in great danger of relapse and may need relapse prevention.
Find Support After Heroin Detox in Texas at Santé Center for Healing
So, how long does it take to detox from heroin? At Santé Center for Healing, it’s just a few days. Find out how our caring and compassionate staff can help you start the process by calling Santé Center for Healing today at 866.238.3154 or using our online contact form.