woman looking at man drinking on couch

Know The Signs Of Alcohol Abuse

Many people who struggle with alcohol don’t even know they have a problem. When they do know, the problem is often quite advanced. However, knowing the signs of alcoholism can help in identifying the issue in yourself or your loved one. Understanding the signs of alcohol abuse makes finding treatment that much easier. Santé Center…

why drug withdrawal requires detox

Why Drug Withdrawal Requires Detox

For individuals who want to stop engaging in substance abuse, drug withdrawal can be a great obstacle. Withdrawal occurs when long-time usage suddenly stops or significantly decreases. It can also arise when a dependency has gotten too great, requiring individuals to take larger and larger doses. Withdrawal symptoms are not usually life-threatening, but they can…

drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms what to expect during rehab

Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms–What to Expect

Addiction is a complex disease. It has both physical and mental aspects requiring attention so that a person struggling with a substance use disorder can heal. Perhaps the most obvious signs of addiction are the withdrawal symptoms that arise when dependency reaches a certain point. When one quits regularly abusing a substance, they tend to…

what is detox

What Is Detox?

A substance use disorder or addiction to drugs or alcohol takes a toll on the body. Dependency occurs when a person’s brain chemistry is altered due to drugs or alcohol. When this happens, the first step in healing and recovering is usually addiction detox services. If you’re considering rehab for a problem with alcohol, you’re…

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms argyle texas

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Overcoming an addiction to alcohol is a battle that often starts with a medically supervised detox in a safe and supportive environment. Experts agree that going through it alone at home is typically not a good idea because of potentially severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms. So, what are these alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and when will they…

woman who is staying sober after detox

Staying Sober After Detox

Some people get overly optimistic after detox and believe that once alcohol is out of their system physically, they won’t have a problem staying sober. They learn quickly that matters aren’t that simple. Staying sober after detox takes constant vigilance, especially in the early stages. A detox treatment program can help you gain tools to…

woman exercising avoiding home remedies for opiate detox

Why You Shouldn’t Use Home Remedies for Opiate Detox

The use of opiates in America has grown exponentially in recent years. Unfortunately, this led to an increase in opiate addictions across the United States. Many people struggling with an opiate addiction may find themselves tempted to try to break free from these medications on their own. Yet, just as self-medicating with drugs or alcohol…