woman in her kitchen preparing a health meal of fruits and vegetables as part of 5 tips to help stay sober

5 Tips To Help Stay Sober

Completing a treatment program for substance use disorder is a monumental achievement, but it’s only the beginning of a lifelong journey toward sobriety. Whether you are undergoing addiction treatment or have recently graduated from a program, staying sober presents its own set of challenges. For many Americans, including Texas residents, learning and practicing tips to…

young man sitting alone on a bench at night struggling with meth withdrawal symptoms.

Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal can be a daunting process but a necessary one in healing from the disease of addiction. For individuals who abuse meth, the fear of meth withdrawal symptoms keeps many from seeking rehab. The severity of withdrawal symptoms is often a cause for relapse as individuals return to substance use to alleviate the discomfort of…

How Perception Can Supercharge Your Recovery

Both internal and external things can contribute to stress and depression; however, it is vital to recognize how our perception and overall mindset can impact our mental well-being. With regard to perception, what’s most significant is the way that we perceive ourselves and the things happening in our lives. The great news is we can…

Quick Guide: Identifying Alcohol Addiction & Receiving Treatment

WHAT IS ADDICTION? The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as a “treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences”.   WHAT DOES AN ADDICTION TO…

TIPS: Talking About Addiction with a Loved One

Openly talking about addiction and actively listening for responses are some of the most significant ways you can help someone with an addiction. Opening these conversations around addiction isn’t especially easy; read on for tips to get this necessary conversation going. OVERALL: Know it is okay to have this conversation. Realistically multiple conversations will likely…

Am I Enmeshed?

WHAT IS ENMESHMENT? Enmeshment is a relationship where there are very few, blurred, or no boundaries between the people involved. In this type of relationship, the members are bonded together by unhealthy emotions, behaviors, and dynamics. The relationship has begun to operate in a negative cycle rather than supportive of one another. Where does enmeshment…

What is Trauma Treatment?

WHAT IS TRAUMA?  Trauma can be many things and is experienced differently by everyone. Trauma can stem from one event or multiple occurrences that is interpreted as physically or emotionally damaging or deadly. The traumatic experience can have continuing negative consequences with regard to a person’s well-being and may also impact their ability to live…

Two people talking about non-purging bulimia

Purging vs Non-Purging Bulimia

When most people think of bulimia, they think of one type of disordered eating. That is, they imagine someone who binges on an excessive amount of food in a short time, then purging that food by vomiting or using laxatives. But this sole view of bulimia is in error. In fact, there are multiple types…

What is Gratitude and How Does it Impact Recovery?

WHAT IS GRATITUDE? Gratitude is the art of making what you have, enough. Gratitude is the feeling and outward conveyance of appreciation for something or someone. It includes the acknowledgment and appreciation for the good things or blessings in life. Gratitude can be focused toward circumstances, people, or oneself. It often lends itself to positive…

two women seated at kitchen table with one woman reaching out to the other one who seems distraught as she tries to learn how to tell if someone is on meth and how to help them recover

How to Tell If Someone Is on Meth and How to Help Them Recover

It is no secret that drug and alcohol addiction is a growing crisis in America. As individuals, families, and communities struggle with the toll of this critical public health situation, the behavioral health industry is moving to meet their needs. One of the most insidious illicit substances is methamphetamine, commonly referred to as meth, a…