Sex Addiction or Problematic Sexual Behavior? What are we getting wrong?

What is problematic sexual behavior? What is sex addiction? Problematic sexual behavior (PSB) is an on-going, uncontrollable pattern of sexual thoughts and behaviors that prove problematic in a person’s life. This particular form of addiction or compulsive behavior is often misunderstood. Sensationalized or worst-case scenarios may make headlines – but are not the norm. Though…

individuals attend an AA meeting and support each other in recovery

What Is an AA Meeting?

Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, has become a beacon of hope and support for many struggling with alcohol addiction. An AA meeting is a gathering of individuals committed to staying sober and supporting one another through the process. The setting is usually modest and unassuming—a church basement, community center, or any place that provides a calm,…

an alternative support group to AA meets for addiction recovery support

The Alternatives to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

When battling alcohol addiction, finding the right support is crucial. Personalized care can often mean the difference between slipping back into an unhealthy pattern and stepping confidently toward lasting sobriety. Recovery is not one-size-fits-all, and Alcoholics Anonymous might not be the best option for everyone. If you need help taking the first step in your…

Two woman discuss relapse triggers

Identifying Relapse Triggers

Addiction recovery is a long and difficult journey that requires patience, determination, and support. However, the first few months after getting sober can be especially challenging, as individuals often face a range of obstacles that can lead to relapse. Let’s explore the concept of relapse triggers, identify common triggers that recovering addicts face, and consider…

Woman happy about maintaining sobriety

Tips for Maintaining Sobriety

Making resolutions for the New Year is a tradition that people all over the world participate in. While some people focus on diet or exercise goals, others may have sobriety at the forefront of their minds. Maintaining sobriety can be a challenging task, and as we approach the end of the year and the beginning…

a woman with disheveled hair leans on a table with coffee cup near her while trying to get an understanding of bipolar disorder

Understanding Bipolar Disorder: the Highs and Lows

Understanding bipolar disorder involves recognizing it as a complex mental health condition characterized by significant mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. These episodes can impact a person’s behavior, energy levels, and ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. It’s crucial to note that this disorder is not a rare diagnosis, and with professional…

man sits on the edge of his bed with hands to his face in distress dealing with the symptoms of detoxing

What Are Symptoms of Detoxing?

When it comes to treating addiction, detox is the first step. Once clients withdraw from their substance of choice, they may experience several detox symptoms. A high-quality rehab program can help break the cycle of addiction. Detox and rehab centers offer unique support for medical detox for drugs and alcohol. At Santé Center for Healing,…

a woman wearing a beanie stands in front of a shrubbery and closes her eyes to mediate after learning about what helps with drug detox

5 Things That Help with Drug Detox

The withdrawal symptoms in drug detox can be challenging at best and life-threatening at their most severe. Thankfully, the days of suffering at home alone without help are gone. Many interventions can alleviate the symptoms of detox and keep you safe. To learn more about drug detox in Texas, call Santé Center for Healing today…