17 Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing an Addiction Treatment Center

Trying to determine which addiction treatment center is right for you can be difficult. Sometimes we simply don’t know the right questions to ask. This list can help. This may be your first time with treatment, but it is not ours. Questions you may not know to ask: Is the person on the phone with…

woman looking at man drinking on couch

Know The Signs Of Alcohol Abuse

Many people who struggle with alcohol don’t even know they have a problem. When they do know, the problem is often quite advanced. However, knowing the signs of alcoholism can help in identifying the issue in yourself or your loved one. Understanding the signs of alcohol abuse makes finding treatment that much easier. Santé Center…

man reaching for glass of whiskey

Understanding Alcohol Abuse

The images that we often see and stereotypes that we hold about alcoholics have always been misleading. It surprises many people when they discover that people abusing alcohol can present a well put together picture to the outside world. Often, people who abuse alcohol function at a high level by raising families, holding down jobs,…

What Are the 12-Steps

What Are the 12-Steps?

The 12-steps to addiction recovery were initially formulated by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous as a process for beating alcohol addiction. These addiction recovery steps achieved enough success and popularity that other addiction treatment programs adopted the methodology. While the 12-steps are based on spirituality and religious principles, they remain general enough that people of…

3 Sober Techniques to Try this Holiday Season

4 Sober Techniques to Try this Holiday Season

Whether you’re new to the world of recovery or you’ve been sober for years, the holidays can prove especially challenging for staying away from the bottle. Family members, financial stress, traveling, relationship issues, and more seem to rear their heads as soon as the holiday planning begins. Whether you’re working on a sober Thanksgiving or…

what is detox

What Is Detox?

A substance use disorder or addiction to drugs or alcohol takes a toll on the body. Dependency occurs when a person’s brain chemistry is altered due to drugs or alcohol. When this happens, the first step in healing and recovering is usually addiction detox services. If you’re considering rehab for a problem with alcohol, you’re…