inforgraphic on the signs of acloholism

Signs of Alcoholism To Know

When it comes to addiction, many of us instantly think about illicit substances. Yet millions of people every year abuse legal substances putting themselves at risk of developing a dependency or addiction. With how prevalent alcohol is in our society, people forget about the risk of addiction that comes with drinking. However, when signs of…

college students and binge drinking texas

The Dangers of College Students and Binge Drinking

According to the National Institutes of Health, 37.9 percent of college students between the ages of 18-22 participate in binge drinking, and 12.5 percent of college students report heavy alcohol use. The dangers and risks of college students and binge drinking are causing a stir as the problem continues to rise. Even though the information…

Temptation During the Pandemic

With various lockdowns and social distancing, individuals are met with greater temptation to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms in attempt to combat feelings of anxiety, depression, seclusion and isolation. If you are dealing with a substance use disorder or mental health issue, you may find your situation compounded among the struggles of dealing with a…

people using tips to keep track of your drinks

Tips To Help Keep Count of Your Drinks

Do you need some tips to keep track of your drinks? Quitting drinking can be a challenge. Before an individual develops a dependency or addiction, they are usually abusing alcohol. One way to avoid alcohol use disorder is by keeping a strict count of the drink had. To be clear, a person that is sober…

man who is suffering from dangers of drinking after work

Dangers of Drinking After Work

It’s a long day. You’re tired and feeling the tension and stress of the day, physically and emotionally. Drinking after work seems like a good way to get rid of some of that. It may feel like the only thing to get you through the night. Yet, the dangers of drinking after work are numerous.…

man looking troubled


Argyle, Texas, May 7, 2020—Headlines scream continuously about COVID-19 – the number of cases, unemployment rates, vaccine progress, etc. Included in those headlines are stories focusing on the vulnerable populations affected by COVID-19. Among those in that population are people with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). These individuals and their families, friends, colleagues and neighbors…


75,000 Americans at Risk of Dying–Group Warns

Argyle, Texas, June 1, 2020—As many as 75,000 Americans could die because of drug or alcohol misuse and suicide as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an analysis conducted by the national public health group Well Being Trust. This staggering number could become a reality due to the growing unemployment crisis, economic downturns…

The Cost of Alcohol Addiction [Infographic]

Most people aren’t aware of the true cost of alcohol addiction. Sure, there’s a direct financial cost that they can calculate. However, the real cost of addiction goes well beyond money. Addiction takes a toll on people’s emotions and relationships as well. The Financial Cost of Alcohol Addiction Let’s start with the most literal cost…