man reaching for glass of whiskey

Understanding Alcohol Abuse

The images that we often see and stereotypes that we hold about alcoholics have always been misleading. It surprises many people when they discover that people abusing alcohol can present a well put together picture to the outside world. Often, people who abuse alcohol function at a high level by raising families, holding down jobs,…

two women sitting in a therapy session

Addiction & Cognitive Behavior Treatment In Dallas, TX

There are many different options available for addiction treatment in Dallas and throughout Texas. Most individuals tend to start with detox. From there, addiction treatment can include several options. Clients can get help in trauma therapy, codependency treatment, or individualized treatment. With the right care, including cognitive-behavioral therapy programs, a completely successful recovery from addiction…

women sitting on a chair looking outside

Common Fears of Substance Abuse Treatment

Are you afraid of getting substance abuse treatment? Your concern is understandable. Addiction, at best, is disorienting. At worse, it has disastrous consequences for your psychological and physical health. To be in the throes of addiction and then to face the prospect of getting addiction treatment adds to the pain and confusion. Remember, however, that…

What Are the 12-Steps

What Are the 12-Steps?

The 12-steps to addiction recovery were initially formulated by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous as a process for beating alcohol addiction. These addiction recovery steps achieved enough success and popularity that other addiction treatment programs adopted the methodology. While the 12-steps are based on spirituality and religious principles, they remain general enough that people of…

What Is Compulsive Masturbation Disorder_

What Is Compulsive Masturbation Disorder?

What Is Chronic Masturbation? Compulsive/chronic masturbation disorder, also referred to as masturbation addiction, is a sexual addiction where someone is driven to masturbate excessively. Since the behavior is categorized as a compulsion, the disorder is sometimes called OCD masturbation, which fits under the larger umbrella of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Masturbation itself is not considered a deviant…

3 Sober Techniques to Try this Holiday Season

4 Sober Techniques to Try this Holiday Season

Whether you’re new to the world of recovery or you’ve been sober for years, the holidays can prove especially challenging for staying away from the bottle. Family members, financial stress, traveling, relationship issues, and more seem to rear their heads as soon as the holiday planning begins. Whether you’re working on a sober Thanksgiving or…

couple in family therapy

The Importance of Engaging Family & Friends

Each family member and friend of an addicted person has a unique relationship with drug or alcohol addiction, emotionally and behaviorally. Treating only the individual in active addiction has limited effectiveness. Santé walks alongside family and friends, recognizing the devastating impact substance use disorders have on everyone involved. We work on engaging family and friends…

individual undergoing Substance Abuse Evaluation

Substance Abuse Evaluation

If you have a court-ordered substance abuse evaluation, you probably want to know what to expect. In short, a substance abuse evaluation determines the extent of your drug and alcohol problem. A substance abuse professional conducts the interview and recommends a treatment and education plan. At Santé Center for Healing, we conduct evaluations and also offer addiction detox services and addiction…

person considering Marijuana and Education

Marijuana and Education

There is a perception today that marijuana is not harmful. This line of thinking is especially common among young people. Understanding the realities of marijuana and education, however, is crucial in realizing just how risky taking this drug can be. The addiction treatment services at Santé Center for Healing are committed to providing education and support…

person on bed needing Co Occurring Disorders Therapy

Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Disorders Need Therapy

Addiction treatment is not always straightforward. Many ineffective programs may only focus on treating the addiction without getting to the root causes or considering the possibility of co-occurring disorders. This is why it is so important to find a treatment center that understands how to address an individual’s unique issues. Your chances of true recovery…