What is Kratom?

WHAT IS KRATOM? Kratom is a derivative from an Asian evergreen tree that contains the stimulant mitragynine and narcotic 7-hydroxymitraginine. The simulant effects of this substance come from its leaves, which can be eaten whole or brewed into tea.1 The leaves have been used in traditional medicine, especially for those living in Southeast Asia.  …

couple sitting on couch clearly involved in tense discussion about how sex addiction can impact your marriage

How Sex Addiction Can Impact Your Marriage

Understanding the dynamics of intimacy can be complex, with each person having unique desires and needs. While some may enjoy more frequent encounters, others might find themselves satisfied with less. However, when the desire for sex becomes compulsive and uncontrollable, affecting daily life and relationships, it may be indicative of sex addiction—a real behavioral health…

A woman in individual counseling for adults

Why Individual Counseling is Good For Adults

The goal of psychotherapy is to provide clients with a setting where they can comfortably, safely, securely, and privately talk about their mental health concerns. Individual counseling counseling near Dallas, Texas, helps clients grow, heal, and move toward healthier and more productive lives. Excellent counseling is always client-driven. In fact, clients must work with their…

three wooden buttons with question marks on a blue background symbolizing the question, "Is Xanax a controlled substance and what schedule is it?"

Is Xanax a Controlled Substance? What Schedule Is It?

Alprazolam is a prescription medication widely used to treat anxiety and panic disorders and is sold under the brand name Xanax. Because it is a medically beneficial and commonly prescribed drug, many people wonder, “Is Xanax a controlled substance?” While it is effective for its intended purposes, it is also a controlled substance classified as…

What is Gratitude and How Does it Impact Recovery?

WHAT IS GRATITUDE? Gratitude is the art of making what you have, enough. Gratitude is the feeling and outward conveyance of appreciation for something or someone. It includes the acknowledgment and appreciation for the good things or blessings in life. Gratitude can be focused toward circumstances, people, or oneself. It often lends itself to positive…

close up image of a friend holding another person's hands in both of theirs as a gesture of comfort for drug-induced schizophrenia prevention and recovery

Drug-Induced Schizophrenia: Prevention and Recovery

Substance use disorder adversely affects individuals, families, and communities in the United States every year. Both physical and mental health are at risk when living with addiction. Drug-induced schizophrenia is a form of schizophrenia triggered by the use of certain substances. Unlike traditional schizophrenia, which generally has genetic or developmental origins, drug-induced schizophrenia arises directly…

two women seated at kitchen table with one woman reaching out to the other one who seems distraught as she tries to learn how to tell if someone is on meth and how to help them recover

How to Tell If Someone Is on Meth and How to Help Them Recover

It is no secret that drug and alcohol addiction is a growing crisis in America. As individuals, families, and communities struggle with the toll of this critical public health situation, the behavioral health industry is moving to meet their needs. One of the most insidious illicit substances is methamphetamine, commonly referred to as meth, a…

What are the Differences Between Sobriety and Recovery?

In the realm of addiction and substance use disorders, the words sobriety and recovery are often used interchangeably. However, there are some notable variances in the meanings of these words which can impact an individual’s approach to healing and their overall sobriety journey. While both are important to success in wellness, they focus on different…

young woman looking thoughtful as she sits on her bed and contemplates hallucinations during alcohol detox and withdrawal.

Hallucinations During Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal

For those with an alcohol use disorder, the first step of treatment is detoxification. Professional addiction treatment prepares an individual for the withdrawal symptoms that often accompany detox. Alcohol detox and withdrawal represent the body’s natural process of eliminating alcohol toxins after prolonged use. During this period, the body undergoes significant physiological changes, leading to…

image of Texas state capitol building with Texas and U.S. flags waving in front as a symbol of the 2024 Top Worst Drug Cities in Texas

2024 Top Worst Drug Cities in Texas

In recent years, Texas has faced significant challenges with drug addiction, impacting communities across the state. Texas’ major cities are often comprised of smaller cities and towns that were incorporated into the overall metropolitan area as the population of the Lone Star State grew. Addiction, whether to drugs, alcohol, or both, affects not only individuals…