a group of women stand next to a window and chat at a women's drug rehab centers

Why Women’s Drug Rehab Centers Might be Right For Your Loved One

Dealing with addiction, whether personally or with a loved one, can be a challenging time filled with frustration and pain. Finding a substance abuse treatment program can be a similarly stressful process. Substance abuse treatment can sometimes be a lifeline, and it’s essential to find the treatment that helps you in your specific situation. For…

Woman cries in bed, trying to avoid meth withdrawal symptoms

How to Avoid Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

Of all of the things keeping people from getting the rehab treatment they need for addiction, the discomfort of withdrawal is often top of the list. Withdrawal can be a daunting process, but a necessary one in healing from the disease of addiction. For individuals who abuse meth, the fear of meth withdrawal symptoms keeps…

four people sit together and talk in a drug and alcohol rehab

What to Know About Drug and Alcohol Rehab

For decades, alcohol has been one of the most widely abused substances in Texas. Thousands of individuals across the state struggle with alcohol abuse. Because alcohol is legal and accessible, it presents a unique opportunity for abuse. However, many people don’t understand how their drinking impacts their health and the well-being of those around them.…

a person puts their face in their hands as they deal with ptsd and addiction

How Are PTSD and Addiction Related?

Research shows a strong link between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addiction. People who have been through traumatic experiences are more likely to use drugs or alcohol to cope with the pain of PTSD. In turn, those with substance abuse issues are more prone to developing PTSD due to increased trauma exposure. If you or…

relapse prevention strategies

5 Relapse Prevention Strategies to Know About

Completing a substance abuse rehabilitation program is a fantastic accomplishment that requires commitment, dedication, and the ability to adapt to significant life changes. During treatment, patients work on developing coping mechanisms and support systems through individual and group therapy sessions. This work is not only meant to help an individual get sober and come off…

heroin detox close to me

Finding Heroin Detox Close to Me

Living with a substance abuse disorder can feel like a life without control. Whether at work, home, or out with friends, addiction finds its way into all aspects of life as it takes priority over other obligations. Everyone has coping mechanisms and preferred vices for dealing with stress and unwinding at the end of a…

treatment for opioid use disorder

Finding Treatment For Opioid Use Disorder

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released multiple public health alerts on opioid addiction and overdose in the years since the medication was introduced to medical markets across the country. It’s not hard to develop an opioid use disorder. Addiction is the result of several factors, including personal history, medical history, and…

individuals participate in group therapy while in an intensive outpatient program for addiction and mental health treatment

What Is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Drug addiction tends to disrupt life in more ways than one. Those suffering from addiction are plagued by cravings, self-control issues, and the impulse to prioritize using their drug of choice over all other obligations. While some people require 24/hour care and monitoring when getting sober, there are those who can’t leave for a treatment…

a man lays on a couch potentially experiencing symptoms of alcohol poisoning

What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning?

Like many people, maybe you think having one drink too many is just harmless fun. But is it? While drinking alcohol is widely accepted in society, there is such a thing as drinking too much. Sometimes, the result is a hangover; other times, it’s poisoning. However, many of us may be unable to identify if…

a family benefits from participating in a family therapy program for addiction

Family Therapy Activities to Consider

Drug addiction affects more than just the individual who is doing drugs. It impacts their family, loved ones, and the community. When someone becomes addicted to drugs, they often isolate themselves from others because of their drug activity. This puts a wedge between them and their family and impacts your relationships. Family therapy, with its…