individuals attend an AA meeting and support each other in recovery

What Is an AA Meeting?

Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, has become a beacon of hope and support for many struggling with alcohol addiction. An AA meeting is a gathering of individuals committed to staying sober and supporting one another through the process. The setting is usually modest and unassuming—a church basement, community center, or any place that provides a calm,…

an alternative support group to AA meets for addiction recovery support

The Alternatives to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

When battling alcohol addiction, finding the right support is crucial. Personalized care can often mean the difference between slipping back into an unhealthy pattern and stepping confidently toward lasting sobriety. Recovery is not one-size-fits-all, and Alcoholics Anonymous might not be the best option for everyone. If you need help taking the first step in your…

young wife looking concerned while her husband looks on in the background and reviews the 3 signs your partner is obsessed with sex

3 Signs Your Partner Is Obsessed with Sex

How do you know whether your partner needs sex addiction treatment or not? It can be challenging to find the line between having a healthy sexual appetite and being obsessed with sex. Sex addiction involves a lack of control over sexual thoughts and urges. While sexual impulses are perfectly natural, the typical signs of sex…

young man seated on couch deep in thought as he ponders is alcoholism genetic or hereditary?

Is Alcoholism Genetic or Hereditary?

Alcohol use is deeply ingrained in various cultures across the globe. Social drinking, such as enjoying a glass of wine with dinner or sharing beers after work, is often seen as a normal part of life. However, the transition from casual drinking to alcohol dependency can be a subtle and insidious process. Alcohol use disorder…

young man seated on couch in living room with his hands pressed to his forehead in pain wondering is Adderall addictive?

Is Adderall Addictive? The Dangers of Adderall Addiction

Is Adderall addictive? If you or a loved one has been prescribed this medication, you might be asking this very question. Any medication carries potential risks, and it is always good to be informed about the medications you or a loved one are taking.  Adderall, a prescription medication, comprises two stimulants: amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. It…

young man with his head in his hand looking worried as he contemplates how to quit smoking weed

How To Quit Smoking Weed

You love it, yet you want to quit. This tug-of-war with weed is a common struggle that many individuals face. When exploring how to quit smoking weed, the key is to understand your relationship with weed, the benefits of quitting, and the strategies that can make your journey toward a healthier lifestyle successful. At Santé…

young woman seated on floor, leaning against wall, with head buried in arms wondering what is freebasing and is it dangerous?

What Is Freebasing?

Cocaine addiction is a serious issue, one that can cause devastating effects on an individual’s physical health, mental well-being, personal relationships, and professional life. When it comes to freebasing, a method of using cocaine, these risks are amplified.  Freebasing is a process that involves converting cocaine into a form that is easier to inhale. This…

despondent young man seated on couch in dimly lit room wondering how alcohol can impact depression

How Alcohol Can Impact Depression

Alcohol and depression are closely linked, and each can compound the symptoms of the other. Treatment that addresses multiple mental health concerns, such as depression and alcohol use disorder, is called dual diagnosis treatment. Santé Center for Healing offers dual diagnosis treatment in Texas. Call 866.238.3154 for more information, to verify insurance, or to get…

Man suffering the effects of binge drinking

Dangers of Binge Drinking

If you’re someone who likes to party and drink frequently, you may have heard the term “binge drinking” thrown around a lot. But what is binge drinking, exactly? And is it all that dangerous? Let’s take a closer look at the differences between alcohol abuse and binge drinking, the consequences of binge drinking, and the…