Two people talking about non-purging bulimia

Purging vs Non-Purging Bulimia

When most people think of bulimia, they think of one type of disordered eating. That is, they imagine someone who binges on an excessive amount of food in a short time, then purging that food by vomiting or using laxatives. But this sole view of bulimia is in error. In fact, there are multiple types…

DRUNKOREXIA – A Dangerous Trend

WHAT IS DRUNKOREXIA? Drunkorexia is the recognized term that refers to modifying eating behaviors for the planned caloric intake of alcohol or to increase the effects of consuming alcohol. Some researchers have used the term more broadly to include not only food restriction, but also excessive exercise before or after drinking.   How many people…

a person looks sad and wraps their arms around their knees as the look for symptoms and signs of anorexia

Signs and Symptoms of Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa, often called anorexia, is a complex form of disordered eating. Someone suffering from anorexia avoids eating for fear of gaining weight, but their very perception of weight, especially as it relates to their body, is distorted in their mind. As they consume less and less food, their body weight can fall to dangerously…

a woman wonders if she has binge eating disorder after examining her eating habits

Do I Have Binge Disordered Eating?

Although many of us are aware of disordered eating, we tend to misunderstand the conditions. For instance, there’s a common misconception that women are the only ones who can have disordered eating, but many men struggle as well. Another misconception is that the primary form of disordered eating comes from a lack of eating rather…

health concerns of anorexia

5 Health Concerns of Anorexia

The health concerns of anorexia are substantial. With that in mind, how do you know whether you or a loved one needs to get admitted into an anorexia treatment center? Physical signs of anorexia nervosa are related to starvation. Anorexia symptoms also include emotional and behavioral issues that often involve an unrealistic perception of body…

austin rehab center for eating disorder treatment

Should I Only Look into Austin TX Rehab Centers for Disordered Eating Treatment?

Disordered eating is a mental health issue that has very substantial medical effects on the body. Healing from disordered eating requires both physical treatment and mental health support. Finding a binge disordered eating treatment program can be daunting. Few people understand what’s involved in treatment or what kind of programs are available. This makes it…

woman staring at food with friends trying How To Help Someone With An Eating Disorder

How to Help Someone with Disordered Eating

When confronted with stress or trauma, individuals attempt to develop coping mechanisms to deal with what they are facing. Unfortunately, these coping mechanism can often become dangerous in themselves. For example, it’s common for individuals confronted by social stress or lacking control in their everyday life to develop disordered eating. What begins as a way…

a group discussion at the 2019 national eating disorders conference about the 2019 center for change national eating disorders conference for professionals

2019 National Eating Disorders Conference for Professionals

Every day, experts learn more about disordered eating and the human mind. What was once thought to be a self-control issue is now considered a mental disorder. Thankfully, the 2019 National Eating Disorders Conference aims to improve professionals’ understanding of the problem. The best experts are those who continue to learn about their expertise, and…