Woman in an ADHD program

Who Would Benefit From a ADHD Program?

ADHD is increasingly common today across the United States. For many people living with ADHD, medications provide the support they need to focus on tasks at work or at school. For others, alternative approaches help them understand their behaviors and adjust their lifestyles to maximize wellness. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and misdiagnoses when it…

health concerns of anorexia

5 Health Concerns of Anorexia

The health concerns of anorexia are substantial. With that in mind, how do you know whether you or a loved one needs to get admitted into an anorexia treatment center? Physical signs of anorexia nervosa are related to starvation. Anorexia symptoms also include emotional and behavioral issues that often involve an unrealistic perception of body…

family therapy activities

Family Therapy Activities That Work

It’s no secret that mental health treatment can help people with mental health issues. But what about family therapy? More than helping people with family issues, it can help entire family units to function more effectively by improving communication and conflict habits. Many family therapy activities for relationship-building are also ideal additions to other treatment…

woman talking to male

Does Addiction Affect Families?

When people are struggling with addiction, they often feel like it’s solely a personal experience. In fact, because of the devastating facts that addictive substances have on users, it might not be obvious to them how addiction affects families. When loved ones are struggling with addiction, their parents, children, and spouses often experience many negative…

male sitting with eyes closed

Techniques to Prevent a Panic Attack

There continues to be more understanding in American society regarding panic attacks and their effects on those who have them. That being said, there is still a great deal of misinformation and misunderstandings regarding panic attacks and mental health services in general. Knowing how to prevent a panic attack—either yours or someone else’s—can help defuse…

person considering Marijuana and Education

Marijuana and Education

There is a perception today that marijuana is not harmful. This line of thinking is especially common among young people. Understanding the realities of marijuana and education, however, is crucial in realizing just how risky taking this drug can be. The addiction treatment services at Santé Center for Healing are committed to providing education and support…

ritalin vs adderall

Ritalin vs Adderall: What You Should Know

Adderall and Ritalin are both stimulants commonly used in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other mental health conditions that hamper focus. While both medications have proven to be very effective in helping individuals with ADHD and anxiety disorders, they have been misused and abuse by those who don’t require the medication. Repeated use…

do i have ocd

Do I Have OCD? True Signs of a Real Problem

Pick a psychological condition that gets treated like an everyday problem, and you are bound to come up with OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). People claim they have OCD if they like their clothing folded a certain way, don’t like their foods to touch on a plate, and many other everyday reasons. But the exact psychological condition…

add vs adhd


Over the last few decades, certain mental health issues have become more prominent in the public’s consciousness. More people are aware of these conditions or are themselves diagnosed with them. Medical professionals now know that depressive and anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concerns facing people. These disorders affect millions every year, but…