woman beginning to participate in Mental Health Awareness Month 2019

Mental Health Awareness Month

As the month of May approaches, many people across the country prepare to raise awareness of mental health disorders by celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month. During Mental Health Awareness Month, various organizations and individuals work together to promote public education about mental health and mental illness. The goal is to destigmatize mental illness and encourage…

health concerns of anorexia

5 Health Concerns of Anorexia

The health concerns of anorexia are substantial. With that in mind, how do you know whether you or a loved one needs to get admitted into an anorexia treatment center? Physical signs of anorexia nervosa are related to starvation. Anorexia symptoms also include emotional and behavioral issues that often involve an unrealistic perception of body…

understanding unresolved trauma

Can Unresolved Trauma Cause Anxiety?

Yes, unresolved trauma can cause anxiety — and many other negative effects on a person’s behavioral, emotional, mental, and physical health. To help manage these effects, most undergo trauma therapy treatment. When the trauma remains unresolved, there will likely be frequent triggers that a person may respond to inappropriately. They may cause an exaggerated emotional…

dual diagnosis treatment centers in texas

What You Will Learn in a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center?

Why are mental health dual diagnosis treatment centers essential to how society functions today? Put simply, many cases of addiction are actually cases of dual diagnosis. While substance use disorders were previously treated before their co-occurring mental health issues in the past, this is no longer the common way to treat dual diagnosis cases involving…

unresolved trauma and addiction

What Is the Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Addiction?

Unresolved trauma and addiction can shape someone’s life. When someone experiences a traumatic situation, they’re more likely to self-medicate, which can lead to an addiction developing. This is why trauma therapy treatment is essential. Traumatic situations change how people view themselves and how they interact with the world. Adding an addiction on top of that…

how to prevent schizophrenia

Can Schizophrenia Be Controlled?

Is getting admitted into a schizophrenia disorder treatment program always necessary? For people who are likely to develop the mental health issue, perhaps it’s enough to learn how to prevent or avoid schizophrenia.  Although there’s no proven way to prevent schizophrenia, scientists have been working consistently to make it less likely—as long as you take…

Find Out Which Therapy Is Right For You

A holistic therapy program takes into account a person’s mind, body, and spirit. These are often an individual program that is designed with the client in mind. As a unique individual, your needs are never the same as anyone else’s. What works for one person doesn’t always work for someone else. This is just one…

male sitting with eyes closed

Techniques to Prevent a Panic Attack

There continues to be more understanding in American society regarding panic attacks and their effects on those who have them. That being said, there is still a great deal of misinformation and misunderstandings regarding panic attacks and mental health services in general. Knowing how to prevent a panic attack—either yours or someone else’s—can help defuse…

notepad saying 2022 goals

Setting New Goals for the New Year

As the old year ends and a new year lies before you with blank pages and endless possibilities, your thoughts will most likely turn to personal goals for the new year. This is traditionally what people in Texas and others across the world do as well. Unfortunately, many of those people will quickly put what…