Residential Trauma Treatment in Argyle, TX

Residential Trauma Treatment in Argyle, TX

Residential Trauma Treatment in Argyle, TX

Life is a journey that is filled with ups and downs. It is through these experiences that people develop coping mechanisms and support systems. Typically, these ups and downs are more than enough for the average person to handle, but sometimes, in extreme cases, the lows of life can be too much for even the most hardened person to control. In such instances, coping mechanisms can fail, support systems can fall short, and trauma can be induced. Trauma describes an intense psychological reaction to an extreme event. While trauma can happen suddenly following a terrifying experience, its impacts can last for years and go on to do a great deal of damage to a person’s life. Living with trauma can make it incredibly difficult to maintain social relationships, meet professional requirements, and negatively affect an individual’s emotional well-being as they try to cope with their symptoms. That is why it is of the utmost importance to know how to identify the signs of trauma and be aware of available trauma therapy treatments.

What Is Trauma?

As stated above, trauma is a psychological response to an extreme or repeated event that causes significant emotional discomfort. This trauma can cause severe harm to anyone, even in the smallest of tasks or aspects of a daily routine. These events can take many forms, such as violence, sexual abuse, and bullying. Events typically associated with trauma are:

  • Emotional and physical neglect
  • Being in a severe accident
  • Death of a loved one
  • Domestic violence
  • Military combat
  • Witnessing a traumatic incident
  • Experiencing a traumatic event such as war or natural disaster

Each of these events can induce a state of long-lasting trauma, which, if left untreated, can develop into a trauma-based disorder.

What Are the Symptoms of Trauma?

There is no concrete way to predict how trauma might manifest following a traumatic event. Trauma can manifest itself in several ways. Some may be quick to anger or develop depression or anxiety, while others may experience nightmares, flashbacks, and even hallucinations in extreme cases. Other symptoms commonly associated with trauma are:

  • Trust issues
  • Social isolation
  • Mood swings
  • Bouts of anger
  • Being emotionally withdrawn
  • Disruptions in sleep
  • Dissociating from reality
  • Vivid memories of traumatic events

When experiencing these symptoms over an extended period, seeking professional help is crucial. When left untreated, trauma can develop into a trauma disorder, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative disorder, adjustment disorder, or relational disorder.

What Is Residential Trauma Treatment?

Recovery from trauma is possible, especially when utilizing residential trauma treatment. Residential trauma treatment is a form of inpatient trauma treatment that aims at getting to the root of what causes a patient’s trauma, understanding their reactions to trauma, and developing coping skills for managing traumatic episodes. The first step to treatment is typically an intake exam, where doctors will work to develop a treatment plan that fits the patient’s specific needs. Treatment often consists of individual therapy, group therapy, and trauma-focused therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and exposure therapy.

Finding Residential Trauma Treatment Near me at Santé Center for Healing

According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, over 25,000 cases of trauma have been reported in the Dallas, Texas, area over the past eight years. This issue affects all Texans and their communities and won’t subside without the help of medical treatment. Trauma is not likely to treat itself, and those living with trauma can benefit immensely from professional service and treatment. When searching for residential trauma treatment in and around Argyle, Texas, look no further than the Santé Center for Healing, where we hold our patients’ mental health and safety in the highest regard. We offer trauma-based treatments at 914 Country Club road, right of U.S Rte 377. We are open to any questions surrounding our curriculum and facilities and want nothing more than to provide care to those who need it. For more information on residential trauma treatment or to schedule an appointment, contact us today at 866.238.3154.