young woman looking confused as she speaks to her behavioral health therapist about trauma and addiction and how to heal both hurts

Trauma and Addiction: How to Heal Both Hurts

Many Americans find themselves entangled in the web of trauma and addiction, two complex conditions that often walk hand in hand, casting shadows over lives and families. Traumatic experiences can take a lasting toll on an individual and cause them to self-medicate or self-soothe with addictive substances like drugs or alcohol. Addiction and trauma often…

Two woman discuss relapse triggers

Identifying Relapse Triggers

Addiction recovery is a long and difficult journey that requires patience, determination, and support. However, the first few months after getting sober can be especially challenging, as individuals often face a range of obstacles that can lead to relapse. Let’s explore the concept of relapse triggers, identify common triggers that recovering addicts face, and consider…

trauma and addiction in texas

Connection Between Unresolved Trauma and Addiction

Many people blame themselves or their loved ones for needing substance abuse treatment and for suffering from addiction. But this substance abuse often occurs because of specific root causes. For many, there is a distinct connection between unresolved trauma and addiction. When someone struggles with substance use disorder in conjunction with a mental health issue…