woman leaning on armrest of couch looking dejected and wondering what is the best medication for bipolar depression

What Is the Best Medication for Bipolar Depression?

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition that involves significant shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels. These shifts can range from periods of elation or irritability (manic episodes) to periods of sadness or hopelessness (depressive episodes). Bipolar depression specifically refers to the depressive phase of this disorder, which can significantly impact an individual’s…

individual seated on colorful map in well-lit room in a meditative pose practicing mindfulness activities for adults

Mindfulness Activities for Adults

Many people today are interested in including mindfulness activities in their lives to help reduce stress and improve self-awareness. If you’re looking for mindfulness activities for adults, our holistic therapy program in Texas can help. Call Santé Center for Healing at 866.238.3154 if living a more peaceful life is one of your New Year’s resolutions.…

despondent young man seated on couch in dimly lit room wondering how alcohol can impact depression

How Alcohol Can Impact Depression

Alcohol and depression are closely linked, and each can compound the symptoms of the other. Treatment that addresses multiple mental health concerns, such as depression and alcohol use disorder, is called dual diagnosis treatment. Santé Center for Healing offers dual diagnosis treatment in Texas. Call 866.238.3154 for more information, to verify insurance, or to get…

A woman suddenly realizing one of the signs of OCD

Common Signs of OCD

Have you ever experienced a nagging feeling that you can’t shake off? Do you have a habit or routine that you feel you must follow every day, even when it’s impractical or irrational? While these behaviors may seem harmless or quirky to some people, they could be signs of a mental health condition called obsessive-compulsive…

Two woman discuss relapse triggers

Identifying Relapse Triggers

Addiction recovery is a long and difficult journey that requires patience, determination, and support. However, the first few months after getting sober can be especially challenging, as individuals often face a range of obstacles that can lead to relapse. Let’s explore the concept of relapse triggers, identify common triggers that recovering addicts face, and consider…

Man suffering the effects of binge drinking

Dangers of Binge Drinking

If you’re someone who likes to party and drink frequently, you may have heard the term “binge drinking” thrown around a lot. But what is binge drinking, exactly? And is it all that dangerous? Let’s take a closer look at the differences between alcohol abuse and binge drinking, the consequences of binge drinking, and the…

Woman happy about maintaining sobriety

Tips for Maintaining Sobriety

Making resolutions for the New Year is a tradition that people all over the world participate in. While some people focus on diet or exercise goals, others may have sobriety at the forefront of their minds. Maintaining sobriety can be a challenging task, and as we approach the end of the year and the beginning…

a woman with disheveled hair leans on a table with coffee cup near her while trying to get an understanding of bipolar disorder

Understanding Bipolar Disorder: the Highs and Lows

Understanding bipolar disorder involves recognizing it as a complex mental health condition characterized by significant mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. These episodes can impact a person’s behavior, energy levels, and ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. It’s crucial to note that this disorder is not a rare diagnosis, and with professional…
