a person raises a hand in a group therapy session to ask do I need treatment

Why Do I Need Drug Addiction Treatment?

You’re struggling with a substance use disorder. Maybe you’ve tried quitting before and relapsed shortly after leaving rehab, or perhaps you’ve tried on your own and are wondering, do I need treatment? You’re not alone. Millions struggle with substance use disorder in the United States. Substance use doesn’t just affect the individual user. Instead, the…

woman talking to male

Does Addiction Affect Families?

When people are struggling with addiction, they often feel like it’s solely a personal experience. In fact, because of the devastating facts that addictive substances have on users, it might not be obvious to them how addiction affects families. When loved ones are struggling with addiction, their parents, children, and spouses often experience many negative…

17 Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing an Addiction Treatment Center

Trying to determine which addiction treatment center is right for you can be difficult. Sometimes we simply don’t know the right questions to ask. This list can help. This may be your first time with treatment, but it is not ours. Questions you may not know to ask: Is the person on the phone with…

Temptation During the Pandemic

With various lockdowns and social distancing, individuals are met with greater temptation to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms in attempt to combat feelings of anxiety, depression, seclusion and isolation. If you are dealing with a substance use disorder or mental health issue, you may find your situation compounded among the struggles of dealing with a…

Why are Women Drinking More

The number of women drinking and how much they are drinking is higher than it has ever been before. A 2017 study sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism revealed that from 2001 to 2013, the prevalence of alcohol use among women in the U.S. rose nearly 16%. And during the same…

man looking troubled


Argyle, Texas, May 7, 2020—Headlines scream continuously about COVID-19 – the number of cases, unemployment rates, vaccine progress, etc. Included in those headlines are stories focusing on the vulnerable populations affected by COVID-19. Among those in that population are people with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). These individuals and their families, friends, colleagues and neighbors…

woman looking troubled


Argyle, Texas, May 18, 2020—Headlines continue to focus on COVID-19 and one topic being spotlighted more frequently is the negative impact the virus is having on mental health. The global pandemic and ensuing economic downturn have negatively affected many people’s mental health. A recent poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) found that nearly half…


75,000 Americans at Risk of Dying–Group Warns

Argyle, Texas, June 1, 2020—As many as 75,000 Americans could die because of drug or alcohol misuse and suicide as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an analysis conducted by the national public health group Well Being Trust. This staggering number could become a reality due to the growing unemployment crisis, economic downturns…