signs of sex addiction

Telltale Signs of Sex Addiction

When individuals find themselves compelled to engage in habits they know or negative or detrimental to their wellbeing, then they are often struggling with what is called a process addiction. This kind of addiction can affect anyone at any time and requires professional support to overcome. Process addictions can be things like gambling or sex…


Santé Celebrates 25 Years of Healing

Santé Center for Healing announced reaching our 25th anniversary in 2021. This is a major milestone for us on our mission to provide treatment with integrity and promote wellness and long-term recovery for patients in a serene and intimate community. Taking Pride in What We Do Santé has persevered through years of change while keeping…


Temptation During the Pandemic

With various lockdowns and social distancing, individuals are met with greater temptation to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms in attempt to combat feelings of anxiety, depression, seclusion and isolation. If you are dealing with a substance use disorder or mental health issue, you may find your situation compounded among the struggles of dealing with a…


How to Spot Vicodin Addiction Signs

Believe it or not, the prescription drug addiction crisis in the United States is far worse than the heroin epidemic. While heroin is a significant problem in our country, more people die from prescription drug overdoses than heroin. Aside from drugs like benzodiazepines, prescription pain medications like Vicodin are common when it comes to addiction.…

Loved ones surround addict and try to help

How to Help an Addict

Do you know someone struggling with addiction? Have you ever wondered how to help an addict? Look no further than Santé Center for Healing. We understand just how complicated a disease addiction is. However, with the right support, individuals struggling with drug or alcohol abuse can heal and make a lasting recovery. Finding the right…

group talking in drug rehab center

Drug Rehab Centers Near Southlake, Texas

Are you a resident of Southlake, Texas struggling with addiction? Do you need rehab but aren’t sure where to look? Do you also require help for your mental health, along with your struggles with addiction? Your first instinct might be to search locally, but it may be wiser to look for a drug rehab facility…

woman on couch thinking about addiction relapse prevention

How to Prevent Addiction Relapse

After undergoing medical detox and working through an addiction treatment program, individuals need to make sure they have a plan for addiction relapse prevention. Although it may not be at the top of your mind, it’s vital to your long-term success. In fact, the rate of addiction relapse for drug users is approximately 40 –…
