Are you one of the many people who have a difficult job with a lot of stress? If so, do you turn to drugs or alcohol to help you with the stress? Addiction among professionals happens often, and when it does, it can impact you in many ways. It can limit your ability to achieve your career goals and limit your health and lifespan. Yet it can be hard not to do that when there’s so much on your mind. Substance abuse treatment in Texas can help you turn the corner. At Santé Center for Healing, we want to provide you with the tools to achieve your goals without these risks.
How Common Is Addiction Among Professionals?
Figures on addiction among professionals show that it is somewhat common for individuals in high power positions and highly stressful jobs to use drugs or alcohol to make it through the day. Some statistics from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration show just how common. According to their study, over 12 percent of professionals used an illicit drug during the previous month. Also, nearly 10 percent reported heavy drinking. For those who seek out care, about 11 percent of them are diagnosed with a substance use disorder.
When you consider these figures, you may be shaking your head. Addiction in workplace settings like this can be a very real thing. Yet, it can cost you in many ways. That’s why it is so valuable to seek out help at an addiction rehab center and support that can guide you towards better outcomes.
Why Does Addiction Among Professionals Happen?
Addiction in workplace settings can occur for various reasons. If you are using, ask yourself why you started to do so. You may find that you have various factors that led to this place:
- Job stress: Most jobs are stressful to some degree. However, the higher up the ladder you go, the more responsibilities increase. As they do, so does stress. Some deal with that stress through drugs and alcohol.
- High expectations that may be unrealistic: you may expect yourself to be perfect on the job at all times. Then, you become distressed when you make any mistakes, no matter how small.
- Intense or traumatic experiences: If you grew up in a bad or dangerous home environment, you have a greater tendency to abuse substances than someone who didn’t.
- Peer pressure: it’s the “everyone else is doing it” excuse. A bad environment is a bad environment, whether you give in to peer pressure or not. If there’s really that much pressure to conform, there’s something wrong.
- Need to fit in: this is a strong motivator for some. No one wants to feel like a fish out of water. However, losing your sense of free will to gain some social acceptance never has good consequences.
No matter why you are experiencing this, it’s important to realize your best outcome both at work and in life to get help for your addiction. Substance abuse treatment in Texas may be just what you need to get back on track with your career.
How Can You Get Help for Addiction?
Addiction in workplace settings is becoming a much more difficult thing for employers to look beyond. That’s because there are growing liability risks. Many employers are putting pressure on their employees not to drink or use drugs but to get help for it. That’s where a professional addiction program can help you.
Our holistic therapy program is designed to help you overcome addiction among professionals. It is a safe place for you to open up and let go of what’s holding you back. You can spend time with other men and women going through the same things you are. You can learn how to overcome these struggles and how to create the success you desire.
What to Expect from a Professionals Addiction Program
In our professional addiction program, your care is a top priority. We will provide you with tools and resources to help you overcome the challenges you face. That includes maintaining proper boundaries and having a comprehensive professional health program designed for you. You will also have the opportunity to work closely with professionals that can give you tools to heal mentally and physically. Learn more about each of our services, including:
- Mental health services
- Intensive outpatient program
- Residential treatment programs
- Medical detox services
- Professional addiction treatment
Explore the Options for Substance Abuse Treatment In Texas
Addiction among professionals may seem common, but that doesn’t make it OK or safe. Therefore, don’t allow yourself to think that you have to just live with it. Rehab for professionals could be what puts you back on track for success.
Our team at Santé Center for Healing can provide you with the tools and resources to help you find healing and health. Call us now at 866.238.3154 to get help fast.