a person rubs their temples while sitting on the edge of a bed after a night of mixing substances

The Dangers of Combining Substances

Substance abuse triggers profound changes in your brain. It interferes with normal functions and, perhaps more alarmingly, clouds judgment—one of those risks common to individuals with substance abuse issues is combining substances. Abusing one drug is hazardous enough. The dangers of mixing substances are even more substantial. Medical professionals call this an example of “polydrug”…

a person puts their face in their hands as they deal with ptsd and addiction

How Are PTSD and Addiction Related?

Research shows a strong link between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addiction. People who have been through traumatic experiences are more likely to use drugs or alcohol to cope with the pain of PTSD. In turn, those with substance abuse issues are more prone to developing PTSD due to increased trauma exposure. If you or…

outpatient treatment program

What Does Outpatient Addiction Treatment Look Like near Dallas, TX?

For most people struggling with addiction, outpatient rehab is the most attractive option when it comes to professional help. This type of addiction treatment program doesn’t disrupt the lives of its participants much and is often more affordable. However, cases of severe addiction to certain substances—such as alcohol, heroin, or oxycodone—benefit most from an inpatient…

withdrawal definition

Here’s What Withdrawal Looks Like for Different Drugs

What is the drug detox process? And what does it mean to go through withdrawal? While the definition of withdrawal and detox are often confused, they are two very different, but related concepts. Drug detox is the process of ridding addictive substances from the body. This may require medically-assisted treatment (MAT) to safely manage the…

doctor chatting with woman patient

How Do I Find the Right Rehab Program in Texas?

Substance abuse presents individuals and their families with many challenges. The most important step in addressing those challenges: Admitting there’s a problem. Once done, the focus of your discussion turns to finding the right substance abuse treatment center program for you. Clearly, you want the best rehab in Texas to increase your chances for a…

individual undergoing Substance Abuse Evaluation

Substance Abuse Evaluation

If you have a court-ordered substance abuse evaluation, you probably want to know what to expect. In short, a substance abuse evaluation determines the extent of your drug and alcohol problem. A substance abuse professional conducts the interview and recommends a treatment and education plan. At Santé Center for Healing, we conduct evaluations and also offer addiction detox services and addiction…

person covering head with pillow experiencing Dangers of Substance Abuse

Dangers of Substance Abuse

The dangers of substance abuse can span a range of different areas of life. These can include those effects that substances have on the individual who is taking them, as well as their loved ones and society at large. Indeed, when drugs and alcohol are abused, the negative effects ripple far and wide. In most cases,…