Counselors specializing in addiction treatment are confronted daily with men and women who resemble prisoners. Some hide behind hunched shoulders, averted eyes, and mumbled or evasive answers. By contrast, others vigorously defend, deny, rationalize, and excuse the behavior that brought them here to Santé Center for Healing. Whether they are engaging in flight or fight, it soon becomes obvious their addictions imprison them. Patients believe admitting the truth will ostracize them from those that mean the most to them. They think, “If others saw the real me, I would be unacceptable and unlovable.” But this fear is unfounded, and no one is a prisoner in rehab. Freedom from addiction is the goal of treatment, and it is real and attainable. However, individuals struggling with addiction need to not just get over the physical side of addiction but the mental side as well.
The mental and emotional toll addiction takes on an individual is as real and as damaging as the physical. Fortunately, at Santé Center for Healing, we understand this and how best to approach healing and recovery.
No Addict Wants to Remain An Addict
The addicts sentence themselves to a prison of lies, half-truths, and separation from those who love them. Sometimes they sentence themselves to solitary confinement by isolating while acting out. As the addiction snowballs into more and more acting out, the social or emotional isolation deepens. The individual struggling with addiction becomes more shame-filled, depressed, or frantic to proclaim their innocence.
Virtually no addict wants to remain an addict. Most admit they hate the addiction that imprisons them. But they believe there is no escape. This is why therapy is such a vital component of addiction treatment programs. After individuals got through detox and deal with the physical side of addiction, there is still the mental side to address. For many, even though they may be free of a substance physically, their emotional or mental state still leaves them craving. In treatment, counselors and therapists have the great privilege of helping individuals open up their metaphorical prison doors. When they do, they see that freedom from addiction lies beyond, and all they need to do is build the courage and confidence to step through it.
How Addiction Therapy Services Help
Confession is the first step to freedom. Hiding and denying the truth are the metaphorical locks preventing patients from opening the doors to freedom from addiction. Confessing the addiction to trusted others begins the process of release. Rigorous honesty is next. Lying becomes a habit, and most addicts are amazed at the freedom they feel when the truth is out. The final step is to embrace recovery fully. Often inpatient residential treatment kick-starts recovery, and it takes a village to keep it going. A community of like-minded people who accept addicts unconditionally gives them the freedom to be transparent and authentic. 12-step programs are a good place to find this kind of community.
Often, individuals find the confidence and security they need to confess to themselves and others in an honest, dedicated fashion through individual therapy. Some other forms of therapy that help individuals identify, explore, and heal from addiction include:
- Art Therapy
- EMDR Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Fitness Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Meditation Therapy
- Music Therapy Program
Here at Santé Center for Healing, we offer these therapies as well as several others. By doing so, we create programs that can address the specific and unique needs of patients. Customizing care this way gives individuals the best chance to make a lasting recovery.
Find Freedom from Addiction at Santé
Are you looking for freedom from addiction? The caring professionals at Santé Center for Healing can help you take your life back. To learn more about how to achieve freedom from active addiction, give us a call at 866.238.3154.