What are the Differences Between Sobriety and Recovery?

In the realm of addiction and substance use disorders, the words sobriety and recovery are often used interchangeably. However, there are some notable variances in the meanings of these words which can impact an individual’s approach to healing and their overall sobriety journey. While both are important to success in wellness, they focus on different…

Sex Addiction or Problematic Sexual Behavior? What are we getting wrong?

WHAT IS PROBLEMATIC SEXUAL BEHAVIOR? WHAT IS SEX ADDICTION? Problematic sexual behavior (PSB) is an on-going, uncontrollable pattern of sexual thoughts and behaviors that prove problematic in a person’s life. This particular form of addiction or compulsive behavior is often misunderstood. Sensationalized or worst-case scenarios may make headlines – but are not the norm. Though…

What Is Compulsive Masturbation Disorder_

What Is Compulsive Masturbation Disorder?

What Is Chronic Masturbation? Compulsive/chronic masturbation disorder, also referred to as masturbation addiction, is a sexual addiction where someone is driven to masturbate excessively. Since the behavior is categorized as a compulsion, the disorder is sometimes called OCD masturbation, which fits under the larger umbrella of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Masturbation itself is not considered a deviant…

Misconceptions of Problematic Sexual Behavior

Problematic sexual behavior is an ongoing, uncontrollable pattern of sexual thoughts and behaviors that prove problematic in a person’s life. This particular form of addiction or compulsive behavior is often misunderstood. Sensationalized or worst-case scenarios may make headlines – but are not the norm. Though “sex addiction” may be the more known name, there is…

signs of sex addiction

Telltale Signs of Sex Addiction

When individuals find themselves compelled to engage in habits they know or negative or detrimental to their wellbeing, then they are often struggling with what is called a process addiction. This kind of addiction can affect anyone at any time and requires professional support to overcome. Process addictions can be things like gambling or sex…

man on laptop in the dark wondering what is sex addiction

What Is Sex Addiction?

Addictions come in many forms. While drug and alcohol addiction are more recognized than some others, people can be addicted to anything that triggers the reward pathway in the brain. Whether it’s gambling, food, or sex, an unhealthy dependence can have devastating consequences. So, what is sex addiction, and how can it damage your life?…

a man looks frustrated as he experiences sex addiction symptoms

Common Sex Addiction Symptoms

Everywhere you turn today, you have access to highly sexualized images through ads, music lyrics, videos, and internet sites. For most people, this exposure remains in healthy balance with the rest of their lifestyle. However, for some people, sex addiction takes over their lives, derailing them from healthy relationships and other life goals. If you…