With the porn industry booming out of control, many families are scrambling to pick up the pieces of a fragmented home. Often from spotting the signs of porn addiction within one of the married family members. While sex addiction treatment is sometimes necessary, a new need for porn addiction treatment is rising.
According to recent statistics, Pornhub has approximately 100 million visitors DAILY. For comparison, a decade ago adult sites received one million visitors a day. Many of these visitors come back again and again and again. Some researchers suggest that the cycle of porn mimics that of a drug user’s cycle, indicating addiction is driving use.
However, some people may not recognize the signs of porn addiction until it’s too late and their life is in shatters. People who are caught up in pornography would benefit from seeking treatment early at a porn addiction recovery program.
How Does Porn Addiction Work?
Porn addiction really doesn’t have much to do with sex. At least the core issues of the addiction do not. Although sexual desire may be the driving force that causes someone to start watching it in the first place, it’s not what leads to the addiction. Also, porn addiction is more akin to a behavioral addiction or a compulsive action.
Likewise, behavioral addictions often arise because of the thing in question (porn) activates the reward part of the brain. Once the brain gains a reward for doing a certain action, then it seeks the reward repeatedly. The cycle of addiction begins.
Additionally, compulsive behavior is not driven by gaining a reward, so it works somewhat differently. The person who compulsively watches porn repeatedly may have a hypersexual disorder, which does have more to do with strong sexual urges. Compulsive behaviors are based on reducing apprehension caused by internal feelings a person wants to control.
Signs of Porn Addiction
You may be wondering what the signs of porn addiction are. While everyone differs, here are some common ones:
- Desiring to stop viewing porn but being unsuccessful in your attempts to do so
- Hiding your porn activity
- Feeling guilty and ashamed about your porn viewing
- Having cravings and urges to view porn
- Having relationship problems because of the porn activity
- Spending inordinate amounts of time viewing porn
In essence, porn addiction is very similar to drug addiction in that the user wants to stop but feels helpless doing so.
Hope for Porn Addiction
Sante Center for Healing is the place where you can begin your journey to a new life free from the addictions that hold you down. Our evidence-based treatment is proven to help addicted individuals break away from the cycle of porn addiction. We use therapy and compassionate guidance to lead people to a place of stability and hope. Some of the addiction treatment therapies we offer include:
- Holistic therapy, including yoga, art, experiential, music, and psychodrama
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Trauma therapy
In other words, don’t wait until porn addiction has destroyed your family and life. Know the signs of porn addiction and be proactive in seeking treatment. To be sure, you can beat the addiction by attending a high-quality treatment facility. By all means, contact us at 866.238.3154, and we’ll help you put the pieces back together again.