Living with a substance abuse disorder can feel like a life without control. Whether at work, home, or out with friends, addiction finds its way into all aspects of life as it takes priority over other obligations. Everyone has coping mechanisms and preferred vices for dealing with stress and unwinding at the end of a stressful, but when these coping mechanisms become the most important thing in life, it’s a sign that something is off. Heroin has had its spotlight in various movies and popular forms of media, but this depiction has led to a warped perception.
Heroin, first and foremost, is an opiate derived from the poppy plant and known for its euphoric effects. While commonly associated with needles, there are many ways in which a person can use heroin, some more identifiable than others. Regardless of the method of use, heroin carries a high risk of addiction that, if left untreated, can lead to life-altering consequences and even death in the case of an overdose. One of the most commonly used forms of treatment for heroin addiction is through a medical detox and rehabilitation program. For those who want to know more about heroin detox in Argyle, TX, reach out to the Santé Center for Healing team at 866.238.3154.
What Is Heroin Addiction?
When searching Technically, since there are no medical/legal uses for heroin, any heroin use is considered heroin abuse. The dangers associated with heroin come from its very high addiction risk. When taking heroin, people report a rush of pleasure, happiness, and euphoria. They also report strong feelings of wanting more as the drug begins to leave their symptom. This is where heroin addiction first begins. Heroin addiction occurs through changes in the brain brought on by excessive use, which create cravings and an inability to cease usage despite existing or potential consequences. Heroin addiction can be recognized through a range of symptoms, some of which include:
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Hostility
- Weight loss
- Irritations on the skin, such as scabs or bruises
- Taking heroin in hazardous situations
- Confusion
- Hyperactivity followed by exhaustion
- Possession of heroin-related paraphernalia (burnt spoons, syringes, smoking pipes)
While many of these symptoms can be attributed to other health-related issues, it is when these symptoms work together and are paired with certain behaviors that heroin addiction becomes evident.
What Is Heroin Detox?
When searching “heroin detox close to me” on the internet, many options are likely to pop up, but knowing a few things about heroin detox will make this search a little easier. Many people try to end their addiction without the aid of professional help. While this form of recovery is possible, it is made extremely difficult due to the symptoms associated with heroin detox. As the brain adapts to long-term heroin use, it becomes dependent on the drug to produce chemicals it would otherwise produce naturally. At the same time, tolerance is likely to increase, furthering the brain’s dependence on heroin for emotional regulation. Detox is when the body is separated from a drug it has become dependent on. Withdrawal is characterized by the symptoms brought on by that separation. When coming off heroin, the body experiences various symptoms that can cause extreme agitation and discomfort. Symptoms may include:
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Bone pain
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sleep disturbances
- Extreme muscle pain
- Cramping
- Cold sweats
- Irregular heartbeat
The severity of symptoms is highly dependent on the duration of usage and other present medical issues. These symptoms are often too severe to be combatted alone, leading many people to relapse or give up on quitting together. That is why it is crucial to consider a medical detox program where symptoms can be monitored and treated as they arise.
Finding Heroin Addiction Near me at the Santé Center for Healing
Doing research into heroin detox can be a scary thing to do alone. While searching “heroin detox close to me” is likely to provide a variety of options, how is one to know if these options are best for them? At the Santé Center for Healing, we understand how anxiety-producing this research can be. Our facility is open to any and all questions regarding our substance abuse and mental health services. For more information or to avoid sifting through all of the results from the internet search “heroin detox close to me,” contact us at 866.238.3154.