woman exercising avoiding home remedies for opiate detox

Why You Shouldn’t Use Home Remedies for Opiate Detox

The use of opiates in America has grown exponentially in recent years. Unfortunately, this led to an increase in opiate addictions across the United States. Many people struggling with an opiate addiction may find themselves tempted to try to break free from these medications on their own. Yet, just as self-medicating with drugs or alcohol…

man on laptop in the dark wondering what is sex addiction

What Is Sex Addiction?

Addictions come in many forms. While drug and alcohol addiction are more recognized than some others, people can be addicted to anything that triggers the reward pathway in the brain. Whether it’s gambling, food, or sex, an unhealthy dependence can have devastating consequences. So, what is sex addiction, and how can it damage your life?…

person in field greeting the sun showing freedom from addiction

Freedom from Addiction

Counselors specializing in addiction treatment are confronted daily with men and women who resemble prisoners. Some hide behind hunched shoulders, averted eyes, and mumbled or evasive answers. By contrast, others vigorously defend, deny, rationalize, and excuse the behavior that brought them here to Santé Center for Healing. Whether they are engaging in flight or fight,…

man looking troubled


Argyle, Texas, May 7, 2020—Headlines scream continuously about COVID-19 – the number of cases, unemployment rates, vaccine progress, etc. Included in those headlines are stories focusing on the vulnerable populations affected by COVID-19. Among those in that population are people with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). These individuals and their families, friends, colleagues and neighbors…


75,000 Americans at Risk of Dying–Group Warns

Argyle, Texas, June 1, 2020—As many as 75,000 Americans could die because of drug or alcohol misuse and suicide as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an analysis conducted by the national public health group Well Being Trust. This staggering number could become a reality due to the growing unemployment crisis, economic downturns…

Group Meeting at West Texas rehab

How to Locate Great West Texas Rehab Centers

After all the time spent suffering from an addiction, it becomes increasingly important for addiction victims to select a rehab center that makes sense when they are ready for help. Most rehab centers will put forth claims of how good its treatment programs compared to other rehabs. Without much else to compare, reputation becomes a…

person doing journaling at drug rehab centers

How Healing Takes Place at Drug Rehab Centers

For anyone stuck in the grip of addiction, reaching out for help can be very hard. Even if you know your drug dependency is negatively impacting your entire life, admitting to the problem is rarely easy. However, once you decide that your health and happiness are more important than any addictive substance, how do you…

a substance abuse professional making notes before a patient comes in for therapy

Substance Abuse Professional

DOT employees who violate drug and alcohol regulations often receive an evaluation from a substance abuse professional or SAP. The drug abuse professional often recommends treatment, education, additional testing, and aftercare programs to ensure DOT workers maintain their sobriety. At Santé Center for Healing in Argyle, TX, clients can master the skills necessary to keep their jobs…