How to Truly Define Addiction argyle texas

How to Truly Define Addiction

Most people define addiction as a series of unwise choices that lead to the loss of jobs, families, and homes. But is this really an accurate depiction of what it means to live with a substance abuse problem? In fact, within the setting of detoxification and rehabilitation, professionals have a very different understanding. For example,…

What Are Heroin Side Effects argyle texas

What Are Heroin Side Effects?

Heroin is a dangerous, illicit drug. It creates a number of high-risk occurrences within the brain and body, putting you at risk. Heroin side effects can impact your ability to function normally but also makes it difficult for you to stop using. That is why you need help from resources like Santé Center for Healing.…

understanding the different types of addiction

Types of Addiction – What Is Happening to You?

Understanding the types of addiction commonly found in the U.S. population can help you see you’re not alone. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates it, or NIDA estimates that tens of millions of Americans use illicit drugs every year. But it isn’t just illicit drugs that contribute to addiction. Millions also develop dependency due…

how to stop drug abuse

How to Stop Drug Abuse

Learning how to stop drug abuse isn’t easy. It is one of the most difficult things you can do if you have an addiction. Drugs change the way the brain works. As a result, it can be difficult for you to stop using on your own. Yet, there is help available to you. Our team…

consequences of drug abuse

Consequences of Drug Abuse: Shedding Your Past and Claiming a Brighter Future

The consequences of drug abuse are far-reaching and devastating to everyone involved, especially those who work in professional fields. Substance use disorder causes the deterioration of relationships, financial crises, physical illness, and anxiety. It affects people of most ages and from all social standings. It destroys families, reputations, and careers without discrimination, and it can make…

inpatient vs. outpatient addiction treatment

Inpatient vs. Outpatient

When choosing a drug and alcohol treatment program, it’s necessary to make sure individuals find the right program. Broadly speaking, addiction treatment programs fall into two categories: inpatient and outpatient. Both focus on rehabilitation, but each type offers different benefits. Within each category, there are varieties of programs that can meet the unique needs of…

signs of addiction

Signs of Addiction

Addiction is a challenging disease to identify in others. While many may think it’s easy to see when someone is struggling with a substance use disorder (an addiction to drugs or alcohol), the reality is often very different. Individuals can become inadvertently addicted, as in the case of many prescription drug addictions. Often the individual…

5 Signs of Meth Addiction

Meth is an intense drug that can severely impact the user’s life. Because of the complex chemical makeup of the drug, it doesn’t take many uses of meth to cross over into full-blown addiction. Recognizing the signs of addiction is vital in finding the right support for friends or loved ones who may be struggling…